Solyndra – Cliff Notes or Rather the Giles Notes of What Happened and Why

Doug Giles at gives a great version of the Solyndra scandal:

Solyndra is—oops, I mean was—a California solar energy company that scored a $535 million taxpayer-funded loan last year from BHO and his boys to save the earth via 1,100 tree humpers in lab coats cranking out solar panels.

  • Prior to hitting the Obama loan lotto, both the President and Biden actually visited Solyndra and hyped it to us plebes as both sliced bread and Christmas for our flailing economy and our future as a super duper power.
  • One year later (like, as in twelve months) after Solyndra had deposited the $535,000,000 check, the company mysteriously went tits up and declared Chapter 11. Oops!
  • Now, the 1,100 workers that Solyndra employed are sitting on their couches eating ramen and watching The Price is Right on their solar paneled TVs while they fill out unemployment docs for more drachmas from China and our great grandchildren’s piggy banks.
  • The coincidence in all this is that when folks started poking around and wondering how a company goes bust during just one season of American Idol after receiving more than half a billion dollars, they found that, lo and behold, the major shareholders and execs of Solyndra were Obama’s buddies who helped fund his ‘08 bid for the White House.
  • One cat, George Kaiser, had even visited the White House 16 times in the last two years—which I believe is 14 more times than Biden has actually been there. What a coincidence that his business would get such a massive check for such a crappy company? Wow. What are the chances?
  • Another interesting ditty is that the loan Kaiser finagled for Solyndra guaranteed George and his pals could recoup their losses in case Solyndra folded, but that the taxpayers would be screwed as far as any retrieval of their cash goes.
  • And all this went down in the face of Solyndra showing five years of $500 million in losses with everybody and their dog screaming at the President not to support the company.

Obama Flunky David Axelrod Cackles No Compromise on Jobs Bill

Welcome to compromise, Obama campaign style:

 Obama’s top political adviser David Axelrod said Tuesday that the administration was unwilling to break up the president’s $447 billion jobs plan if Republicans were only receptive to passing certain elements.  “We’re not in a negotiation to break up the package. It’s not an a la carte menu. It’s a strategy to get this country moving,” Axelrod said Tuesday on ABC’s Good Morning America.  “The president has a package; the package works together. We need to do many things to get this economy moving,” Axelrod said.

Hey David, no negotiation? President Obama does not pass legislation. Passing legislation is reserved to Congress. Congress has two chambers, the House and Senate. The Senate is divided, with the Democrats having a slight majority, but as a chamber it gives plenty of power to the minority to not be steamrolled as a matter of check and balance upon the majority. The House is overwhelmingly in control of the Republicans, and may after today be even a little more so given the special elections. The American people voted for this situation in terms of balance of power. So, if you do not want to compromise, then you will get nothing and deservedly so. Work on the areas you have common ground. If you are unwilling and unable to do so, there is no reason for the Republicans to give you an inch. They were voted in, in record numbers last fall to hamper your full tilt to the radical left. Most of your rhetoric was just bits of red meat thrown out to incite your base. You propose funneling even more money to your crony Union special interest groups after the first massive funnel of taxpayers’ money to them failed to get the economy moving (which we entirely predictable). But why should anyone in the country outside of those you seek to buy votes from back your plan? We see through your transparent corruption as pathetic attempts to purchase favor just enough to win reelection. And we see that you are willing to spend almost unlimited amounts of other people’s money to make sure you keep an iron fist on power. Sorry, most of us aren’t buying it any more. We don’t want your leftist collectivist authoritarianism.

Intelligent people know the stimulus is a disaster. Son of stimulus will fail as did the mother of all stimuli which promised to hold unemployment at 8%. Unemployment is now 9.1% and 2.3 million jobs have been lost since the Obama Democrat trillion dollar stimulus plan was enacted. In fact 3 mil jobs have been lost since Obama took over the White House. The democrats have brought misery, despair and hopelessness to Americans.

Fact 1: Jan 2009 142,201,000
Fact 2: Feb 2009 141,687,000 employed
Fact 3: Jul 2011 139,296,000 employed


Tell me why anyone Votes for a Democrat in the First Place?

Some of the Insanity from the Left that has comes through in the last couple of days…

 Maxine Waters wants a TRILLION Dollar Jobs Program. I think Maxine should be made to stand on the floor of the House and COUNT from 1 to 1 Trillion.

 The USPS wants a 5.5 Billion dollar bailout, break their union contract and lay off 125,000 workers and close boatloads of Post Offices.

I say CLOSE 80% of the Federal Government for the rest of the year.

 Democrats/Progressives are locked into Keynesian economics for one reason – it buys votes. And they are spending taxpayer funds, not their own. To them it’s a win situation even though it doesn’t help the economy or reduce unemployment. It does, in fact, just the opposite – more debt, higher taxes, less disposable income, fewer employed, and the list goes on.

 Some Keynesians can’t be helped because they believe in it. They are unable to contemplate any alternative. They are like the barber-doctors of old who bled their patients to remove the ‘bad’ humors from the body and kept doing it until the patient recovered his health. If the patient died it was because they didn’t bleed the patient enough.

However, Waters supports it because she makes money off it, and it gives her power and status, despite the damage it causes to society and people. 

Democrats/Progressives/Liberals have told us:

Food stamps are good for the economy

Unemployment checks are good for the economy

Natural disasters are good for the economy

A new terrorist attack may help boost the economy

Taxing the “rich” would be good for the economy

Borrowing more money (from China) would be good for the economy

Subsidizing private companies that are otherwise unprofitable is good for the economy

and if you don’t agree with them . . . you must be a racist.

Maxine, why bother with all these programs and bills? Let’s just do what you really want. Take all the money we can from anyone who works and just give it away to everyone you think deserves the money. What could possibly go wrong?

Finally, this is what three years of Obama – the VERY BEST the Democrats have ever had to offer – has given us:

US of A in Economic Depression

Downgraded US Credit Rating

Ignore the War Powers Act

Gas, Food and Clothing Prices Skyrocketing

Five Wars, One with a Record Death Toll

Raiding the Private Pension Fund to Avoid the Debt Ceiling

Lost 800+ Seats for His Own Party

44 Million Americans on Food Stamps

Over half of the States Suing to get out of Obama Care

One in Four Mortgages under Water

ATF Gunrunning Scandal

Please Keith Olbermann, “Reverend” Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Jimmy Hoffa Jr.  Continue to spin this disaster of a Presidential Administration that it is all good for everyone and that it is of course Bush’s fault.  Let me ask all of you I am sure you have all started a job that had a predecessor that made mistakes when they had the job.  Three years into the job did you blame the predecessor for the environment your place of work was presently in years later?  My guess is if you did you were either shown the door shortly thereafter or promoted….

 Do you want to know what we Conservatives stand for?



 American Oil

 Spending control

  No Illegal Immigration

  Less Government

   Less Taxes

   Less Abortion

Obama’s Heroin: Taxes and Debt

Wayne Alan Root

Incredibly, Obama and his Democrats are now blaming the victims in the debt-ceiling crisis.

These out of control D.C. spending addicts are exactly like drug addicts who have abandoned their spouse, kids, and job to do drugs 24 hours a day. Even though they’ve stolen from us, we do all we can to get them into rehab. But since they don’t want to stop drugs, what we get in return is hate, anger, and blame.

They accuse us of being horrible people for not willingly handing over more money to feed their spending addiction. They absurdly assert it’s our entire fault and that we’ve forced them to rob us at gunpoint. And they scream that we are extreme.

Like all addicts, it has to be someone else’s fault. In this case they blame the taxpayers and the tea party. It’s our fault because we won’t willing give them more money.

Unfortunately, the addiction of Obama and Congress is destroying the American economy and enslaving our children and grandchildren to unimaginable debt for decades to come.

In the midst of this crisis, the tea party has come to the rescue. The tea party is trying to save America.

Heavy federal, state, local, sales, property, and corporate taxes are already choking the entire U.S. economy. The addiction to spending is the problem. Raising taxes hasn’t helped Europe. The PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain) are all insolvent and bankrupt despite much higher taxes than America.

More money has never helped a single addict in world history. Only tough love, discipline and rehab solves the problem.

Obama needs to stand up in front of America and say, “My name is Barack Obama and I am an addict. I apologize to the taxpayers, all of whom I have wronged. I apologize for spending our economy into insolvency and bankruptcy. I apologize for the historic levels of unsustainable debt. I apologize for trying to blame the victims (taxpayers) for my illness.”

It all starts with admitting you have a problem.

We must not accept one dollar in new taxes.

Obama and Congress must learn to live with the money they’ve got. No more blaming the victim. The tea party and the taxpayers are the heroes here.

Obama is casting the tea party as radicals, insinuating treason for refusing to raise taxes or the debt ceiling.

I’d like to remind Mr. Obama that is exactly what King George and his House of Lords called the original American tea party patriots. That didn’t work out so well for the king the first time.

Facts from Obama’s “Summer of Recovery”:

Look where we are now!

  • · 9.2% unemployment
  • · 19.1% ACTUAL unemployment (including those that aren’t looking for work anymore)
  • · $14.4 trillion in debt
  • · 1.9 million jobs lost since the so called “stimulus”
  • · More people than ever in history are on food stamps
  • · People are on unemployment longer than any time since the Great Depression
  • · 59% disapprove of the way Obama is handling the economy

At the end of the day, Obama is an empty suit. Liberals like to talk about how smart he is, but who knows. Has anyone ever seen a college transcript? Did he receive admission to some of the most elite institutions on his own merits, or did he fill a quota?

What else has he accomplished? Has he ever really worked for a living? Does he know what it is like to start a company or meet a payroll?

Obama, on the other hand, has no body of work to support his promotion to president of USA Inc. He can’t solve the country’s problems because he has never had to solve problems in the past. He is also useless without his teleprompter, another black mark. A fancy slogan can get you elected; it won’t help you run the country.

“Tingle” Matthews: Bush Caused Recession, But Let’s Not Quibble Over Which Party Can’t Get Us Out of It.. BLAME BUSH, BLAME BUSH, BLAME BUSH!!!!

By Noel Sheppard

Chris Matthews Tuesday once again showed that his tenuous grasp of reality is getting dangerously weak.

During the final segment of “Hardball,” the host unequivocally blamed the 2007 financial crisis and resulting recession on George W. Bush just moments before he said, “Okay, Obama hasn’t been able to get us out of it yet, but…there’s no sense blaming one Party or the other”.  Transcript follows:

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Let me finish with a simple political question: Why on God’s earth should we reward the people who got us into this financial mess? You can’t sell a house because you can’t get a decent price for it. You can’t buy a house today because people can’t believe what you’re offering for it.

What? You can’t sell a house today? One just sold two weeks ago four houses down from me, and another just last week up the street.

I see houses in my neighborhood selling all the time, which also means you can buy a house as well.

If you can figure out what Matthews was talking about in those opening sentences, please let me know.

Let’s continue:

MATTHEWS: Who created this political dung hill? Who created this financial horror show that has older people dying over their miniature 401(k)s, young people hopelessly out of work, certainly out of good work?

Hmmm. My just graduated from college son accepted a fabulous career opportunity last Friday.

As for people’s 401(k)s, as they are self-directed, whatever they are worth is the fault of the owner and nobody else.

If people didn’t want their retirement funds to have stock market risk – especially after what happened in 1987 and 2000 through 2003 – they should have reallocated their funds exclusively into bonds and money markets. That is after all their choice.

But Matthews was clearly in the mood to blame all this on someone other than homeowners, job seekers, and investors. Care to guess who?

MATTHEWS: It all started in a splurge of greed and deception and grab what you can before the building falls down that George W. Bush begot us late in the year 2007.

Yep. It’s all George W. Bush’s fault.

Forget about Bill Clinton signing into law the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 which completely deregulated banks, brokerage firms, and derivatives thereby ushering in the excessive speculation and leverage that led to the global financial crisis that began in 2007.

And let’s certainly forget about Clinton and his Party greatly expanding the lending authority of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac whilst also blocking all attempts by Republicans to increase regulation and scrutiny of these government-sponsored enterprises.

No, this economic calamity was all George W. Bush’s doing:

MATTHEWS: That’s what we’re living right now. Okay, Obama hasn’t been able to get us out of it yet, but, no doubt on that front, but that’s what we’re suffering from, and there’s no sense blaming one Party or the other.

Got that? So regardless of all the other indisputable causes of the economic crisis, it’s all Bush’s fault. But “there’s no sense blaming one Party or the other” for why we haven’t been able to get out of it since the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007 and the White House in 2009.

This is what’s called critical thinking on MSNBC these days:

MATTHEWS: But there’s a hell of a lot of sense in keeping your eye on the people who did it to us, who made millions on all kinds of off the wall investment products and then dumped them out there to people who didn’t know what they were getting. All I ask is why anyone regardless of political philosophy would want to be out there barking for better tax breaks for these people? Why they should be so shameless as to tell us it’s better to screw the old people out of their Medicare so you can keep the tax breaks that Bush jammed through heading out the door, even if we have to deliver them in hot checks courtesy of the latest borrowing from abroad?

Is anyone trying to screw old people out of their Medicare? Congressman Paul Ryan’s (R-Wisc.) plan doesn’t impact anyone over the age of 55.

As for “tax breaks that Bush jammed through heading out the door,” his last tax cuts were implemented in 2003. He didn’t leave the White House for the last time until January 2009.

Makes you wonder if Matthews was hitting the sauce Tuesday:

MATTHEWS: Why? Ask somebody. Why reward the big shots who shot this economy dead with more millions in tax breaks, a running bonanza of generosity from you and the people who got screwed by the very people now with their hands out for more?. It’s a no-brainer for the average taxpayer. It’s simple. If there has to be pain to keep this country solvent so we don’t go the way of Greece, where do we come up with the deal? Do we sock it to the people who are old and sick or to the people making the big bucks who never really came on, never felt the hell brought down on this country in the first place – the hell they left in town behind them?

Once again, who’s trying to “sock it to the people who are old” other than the Democrats whose only plan on the table for Medicare is to let it die in 2024 meaning that all current recipients as well as those that are about to receive benefits in the next twelve years are guaranteed to get socked?

MATTHEWS: Fair is fair. Please repeat – fair is fair. This isn’t just about the ability to pay. It’s about who, given how we got here, ought to pay.

Well, using that logic, since we got here by Democrats increasing spending by 41 percent since 2007, they ought to pay.

Fair is fair. Please repeat – fair is fair.

Okay Chrissy chew on this:

Three years of your Idol/God Obama has given us:

1)  $14 trillion deficit

2)  Ruined economy  – gas/food/clothing prices skyrocketing
  3)  5 wars, one with a record death toll

4) Foreign policy disasters

  5) Raiding the public pension fund to avoid the debt ceiling

  6)  Lost 800+ seats for his own party

  7)  Poll numbers in the toilet
 8) 44 million Americans on food stamps

  9) 1 in 4 mortgages under water
10) ATF Gun Running scandal unfolding


Obama/Pelosi/Reid did cause this recession to be worse and prolonged with their massive government interference and spending.

Then there are systemic problems that become more pronounced during a recession. This go around was the very long developing mortgage crisis that had its roots in Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act and was made worse over the years through the Democrats control over Freddie and Fannie. Bush did try to fix it but the Dem Congress would have not part of a fix.

Tingle Boy needs to shut up and read and get his facts straight.

Fortunately no one watches his program.


Michelle Obama Feasts like a Viking in Botswana – French Fries and Fat Cakes for me and my Entourage please…

First Lady shows the utter hypocrisy and contempt of things by her actions; she indeed expects others to do what she refuses to do on her own.

Associated Press

GABORONE, Botswana (AP) — Michelle Obama is in Botswana to begin the second leg of a weeklong goodwill visit to Africa.

The U.S first lady arrived Friday morning for a full day of events.

She is scheduled to help paint a mural at a clinic that treats more than 4,000 children infected with HIV/AIDS.

Mrs. Obama will also eat lunch with women leaders from different generations and pay a courtesy call on President Ian Khama.

In the evening, she and family members traveling with her will have dinner at a nature park that is home to giraffes, elephants, zebras, baboons and other animals.

The first lady’s mission began last Monday in South Africa. She, daughters Malia and Sasha, her mother and a niece and nephew return Monday to the White House.

One Question: Are the giraffes, elephants, zebras, baboons on the menu as well?

Really this is Tofu and Watercress made to look like French Fries and Fat Cakes



Obama Fails: Too Long to List in One Posting

So, this morning I was leaving a comment at “Support Your Local Gunfighter” on the topic of Obama Campaign Promises.  I realized 12 broken promises or fails didn’t even hit the tip of the iceberg.  So I listed 23 more “Fails” and made this a post.  Keep in mind that the last 23 are from 2009 and 2010. 

Without further adieu here we go – Obama’s Poems, Prayers and Promises:

1)  Promoting Black Panthers at the polling stations, smears on law enforcement

2) Let Union corruption spread to the White House


3)  Destroyed the constitution

4) Given us the Pigford Scandal

5) Brought on project Gun Runner

6) The administration is a dysfunctional re-tread cabinet.

7) We have czars who do not report to Congress.

8) Given us t-shirt rallies at memorials.

9) We are $14 Trillion in the Hole

10) 9.1% Unemployment

11) 20.9% Underemployment

12) Gone after the state the AZ for passing a Constitutional law.

13) Going after Fox News because they wouldn’t report favorably on Obama.

14) Stimulus bill – not a jobs bill but a Democratic payback bill

15) Cash for Clunkers – cost 3 times more than original estimate

16) Lack of proper vetting

17) Tax cheats in his admin (Hello, Tim Geitner, Mr. Treasury Secretary)

18) Allowing Van Jones, Radical Racist communist in his admin

19) Letting Pelosi and Reid write bills

20) Allowing Lobbyists when he said he wouldn’t

21) Lack of transparency

22) Lying about details of his healthcare reform bill – YOU LIE!!!

23) Association with ACORN

24) Refuse to honor National Day of Prayer

25) Feeding Israel to the Muslims

26)  Supporting a dictator in Honduras

27) Took too long to speak out against violence against voters in Iran

28) Getting the NEA to produce propaganda art for his agenda

29) Firing inspector general for investigating his friends at AmeriCorps

30) Shutting down voucher program in DC for poor school kids

31) Lied about putting bills online for 5 days

32) Spending more than any president in history

33) Raised the deficit 3 times the amount it was last year

34) Bailout of Fannie and Freddie

35) Devaluing the dollar all over the world because of massive debt & spending

36)  Allowing US to become in debt to foreign countries

Despite that The Barn Door is now wide open and the Horses have already fled to the Hills, President Obama tries the “Day Late and a Dollar Short” approach by signing an Executive Order to get companies to come to the United States

“Like Sending up a Flare.” – Engineer Scott “Star Trek


President Barack Obama has issued an executive order setting up a government project to retain and attract business to the United States.

The program will be run out of the Commerce Department but will involve departments and agencies across the government to promote the United States as a hospitable place for investment.

The effort comes as Obama tries to emphasize job creation in the face of 9.1 percent unemployment and sluggish economic growth.

According to the order, the cost of the program will be paid out of the Commerce Department’s existing budget. A working group made up of senior officials from throughout the executive branch will coordinate promotion activities and address business concerns.

 Well let’s see here… Since the day Obama took office he has attacked any company making a profit and supported excessive union demands will issuing more regulations through Federal Agencies like the FDA without legislation to back it up. He shut down offshore drilling while we bought more than 540 billion dollars worth of foreign oil just last year.

Now he issues an Executive Order to attract foreign companies. I wonder why it didn’t dawn on him to stop running off existing US based companies.

This is sort of like the “liver doctor” who will tell patients, no matter that they are or what their symptoms, that they have “liver trouble.” In Obama’s eyes there is absolutely nothing that a good government program won’t fix. Need I recite how that’s working out for America’s economy?

This is what we get when we elect a man to be President who has ZERO experience and an ideology of Social Justice based on America being unfair for the past 235 years. He has increased regulations, converted the EPA into a “Rules Making Authority” and the Interior Department into a “Roadblock for Domestic Energy.”

Obama must be a one term President. If we re-elect him it will take decades to recover even with the best of leadership.

New Roll of TP for more Executive Orders Sir...

Newsweek Jumps the Shark and tries Parody of Mitt Romney and the Church of Latter-Day Saints


Conservatives Outraged Over Newsweek Cover Mocking Romney, Mormon Faith

Memo to Newsweek editors: Dancing Mormons may be a hit on Broadway but they’re a flop on the cover of a magazine that purports to do serious journalism.

In a move some describe as bizarre and others as insulting to a major American faith community, Newsweek magazine unveiled a cover this week that shows presidential contender Mitt Romney dressed as as a goofy, white-shirted Bible boy kicking up his heels in excitement.

The tragedy is that it mars an otherwise respectable piece of journalism about the former Massachusetts governor — arguably the first Mormon candidate in history with a sure shot at winning the presidency — and the history of his faith.

Though it will be lost on many outside the incestuous circle of East Coast media elites, the photo is a send up of the poster for the Broadway musical “The Book of Mormon,” put together by the creators of the animated show, “South Park.” The musical’s reviews have been considerably more positive than the magazine’s.

The National Review’s Jim Geraghty writes, “The article itself is not that bad, covering a lot of ground about the history of the faith and the values of the modern community. But obviously they had to feature the cover that makes the GOP frontrunner look like a lunatic.”

NewsBuster’s Noel Sheppard asked whether it is “appropriate to be focusing on a presidential candidate’s religion in 2011,” and noted that Real Clear Politics’ Tom Bevan tweeted, “This leaves me dumbfounded.

There is no word yet from the Romney camp on the cover. However, he is not the first candidate to get a less-than-respectable treatment on a magazine cover and certainly won’t be the last.

Back in 2000, The Nation took heat for its cover drawing that depicted George W. Bush as Mad magazine’s idiot mascot Alfred E. Neuman. A 2008 satirical New Yorker cover that showed Barack Obama dressed as a Muslim and Michelle as a militant armed with a rifle while the American flag burned in the Oval Office fireplace was criticized by both the Obama campaign and that of John McCain. Newsweek also was criticized for a cover photo of Sarah Palin in 2009 that showed her in running shorts.

Separate from the cover, the Newsweek article is a mostly positive look at Mormon’s and their religion, formally known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The subhead for the story reads: “They’ve conquered Broadway, talk radio, the U.S. Senate-and they may win the White House. Why Mitt Romney and 6 million Mormons have the secret to success.”

The article takes a look at the church’s 181 years of history and its growth to the fourth-largest religious denomination in America and concludes the religious breeds success in business, politics and the arts.
In an interview with the Deseret News, active Mormon McKay Coppins, who co-authored the Newsweek piece, said, “Don’t judge the story by its cover alone. I think members of the church will find that the package treats Mormonism fairly.”

“Indeed, the article – which offers a secular defense of Mormonism – reads like a sales pitch for the faith,” the Deseret News concluded.
Of course, magazine covers are supposed to sell the magazine and the right cover, with the right celebrity or image, can boost newsstand sales by the thousands and create a buzz, two things Newsweek could use.

The Washington Post, faced with circulation declines in the millions and operating losses at the magazine, sold Newsweek for the reported price of a dollar a year ago. It has since merged with the website The Daily Beast, whose editor, Tina Brown, runs both.

My first question is, Is Newsweek attempting to become the “Daily Onion” as a last breath effort to stay afloat?

Second question, If Mitt Romney were a Muslim, a Catholic or a Jew would Newsweek have done the cover?

Answer to the first question is I think Newsweek will do anything to keep going.  They were sold for $1 and they are still in danger of going the way of “Rosie” and “George” Magazines.  This week its parody, next week its Cell Phone Photos of breasts from desperate young actresses looking to get their name and photo in print.

Answer to the second question is no because they would either have death threats issued or sued into the 23rd century by these groups.  Mormons and Christians are considered lilywhite and meek so nothing will happen when you make fun of these groups whether it is a magazine cover, soaking a crucifix in urine and call it art or making a wax figure of Jesus to look like Samuel L. Jackson.

A candidate’s religion should not matter anymore than the pigment of his or her skin. Their ideology and experience are what should be taken into consideration.

As a rule, leftists exploit race, religion and everything else while crying racism, Islamophobia, sexism, etc whenever conservatives criticize the actions of liberals. They have cornered the market on hypocrisy.

I believe Romney is a good man. From what I’ve seen of Mormons, they are a credit to our nation. I wish more had their ethics, patriotism and morals.

There is a fear with the left and the Evangelicals that the election of Romney will lead to “The United States of the Latter-Day Saints.”  This is extremely unlikely since Mitt Romney has never come out and said he was a Mormon.  Therefore of Romney I find no evidence that his aim is to indoctrinate the people of the United States into the Mormon faith.  This is a very weak and pathetic argument designed to instill fear.

Personally, I do not support Romney because he has never explained the “Romney Care” fiasco while he was Governor of MA.  Did he support it?  Was he against it?  Did they tie him up, beat him and force him to sign the bill?  Don’t know – never heard the straight story.  He flip-flops on abortion.  Is he for it? Is he against it? Does it depend on the crowd he is speaking to?

Finally, I do not support Romney because he is a big-government moderate RINO and we have enough of those. We need a conservative warrior willing to take on the left, political correctness and the insanity of our out-of-control government!

And, if he winds up being the GOP candidate, I will reluctantly vote for him.  It would be a change toward somewhat more conservative values in the White House.

Former Presidential Candidate John “Two Americas” Edwards may face another America – Prison


A federal grand jury indicted two-time presidential candidate John Edwards Friday over allegations that he spent $925,000 in campaign donations to cover up his extramarital affair as he was running for the White House in 2008.

So, don't forget John brush your hair..

Edwards has been charged with six counts, including conspiracy, four counts of illegal campaign contributions and one count of false statements. Edwards will be arraigned in a federal court in Winston-Salem, N.C. later Friday.

“John Edwards will tell the court he is innocent of all charges, and will plead not guilty,” Edwards’ lawyer, Gregory Craig, said in a statement. “He did not break the law and will mount a vigorous defense.”

The indictment claims that the payments Edwards’ mistress and campaign videographer Rielle Hunter received from his two friends, Rachel Mellon and Fred Baron, were campaign contributions intended to keep her and their baby in hiding during the 2008 presidential election.

“Edwards knew that public revelation of the affair and the pregnancy would destroy his candidacy by, among other things, undermining Edwards’ presentation of himself as a family man and by forcing his campaign to divert personnel and resources away from other campaign activities to respond to.

and put on your best suit...

“As this indictment shows, we will not permit candidates for high office to abuse their special ability to access the coffers of their political supporters to circumvent our election laws,”  Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer said in a statement.

But the Edwards’ camp argues the payments were not campaign contributions as defined by campaign finance laws.

“I believe that the theory on which the government intends to base its prosecution is without precedent in federal election law, and that the Federal Election Commission would not support a finding that the conduct at issue constituted a civil violation much less warranted a criminal prosecution,” said former Federal Election Commission Chairman Scott Thomas, who is serving as an expert witness for Edwards’ legal team. 

The indictment and an arrest warrant were filed in Greensboro, N.C., which is in the district where his campaign was headquartered.


Negotiations between Edwards’ attorneys and federal prosecutors to settle on a charge to which Edwards was willing to plead guilty continued through Thursday, but proved fruitless, according to people with knowledge of the negotiations. Prosecutors had insisted on a plea to a felony, which would endanger his ability to keep his license to practice law.

The criminal charges filed Friday came after a two-year federal investigation. The prosecution’s star witness is Edwards’ former aide, Andrew Young, who claimed paternity of Hunter’s child back in 2007 but later came clean in a tell-all book.

I don’t know if this is necessarily true or not but, if the Attorney General waited to indict Edwards after his wife Elizabeth passed away, then God Bless them for showing the compassion toward her.

This guy seemed like a charismatic family oriented guy, wanting to do good things for us, make our life better. His ideas on change would  make this country a better place. Guess it is a good thing he was not elected president….oh wait, didn’t we elect someone just like that???

And maybe what he’s been doing to doctors, and insurance companies  all these years is gonna happen to him on his honeymoon night in the slammer.

 After this guys how about, we go after the Democrats that allowed the Financial Meltdown to occur and awarded those responsible with large stimulus funds. Oh, wait Eric Holder is the Attorney General, maybe have to wait a couple of years on that idea.

And Prepare to Face the Grand Jury.