Neil Cavuto destroys Occupy Portland Brain Dead Drone

Occupy Portland, trying to targeting the ‘one percent’, shutdown a shipping port yesterday because Goldman Sachs is a stakeholder in one of the companies that uses the port. Cavuto had an Occupy Portland protester on his show and for the life of him he could not convince her that the actions of her Occupy group were hurting far more people than just this mythical 1% that they are trying to target. He finally tells her that she’s a waste of time and ends the interview:

Obviously this babe is completely incapable of answering his questions; she just rants on after he takes shot after shot at her ignoring reality! No clue those who their little pathetic movement is in fact hurting those they claim they support! Claims Goldman Sachs has hand in shipping business LOL!

Occupy Wall Street does not want to help the poor, they want to hurt the wealthy. They assume that the poor are poor because the wealthy are getting wealthier. The wealthy are getting wealthier because there is less competition from the poor many of whom do not work to better themselves nor did they do so when the opportunity of a free education was at their fingertips.  The secret to becoming a failure is to sit on your rear end and complain about what others have.               

Okay Kari, Mom’s basement is calling you,  time to come home and start looking for a job.

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