Obama did not Present a Jobs Plan Last Night, He gave a Campaign Speech

When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

From speech:
“We all remember Abraham Lincoln as the leader who saved our Union. But in the middle of a Civil War, he was also a leader who looked to the future—a Republican president who mobilized government to build the transcontinental railroad; launch the National Academy of Sciences; and set up the first land grant colleges. And leaders of both parties have followed the example he set.”

What Obama failed to mention is that during this time period, the income tax rate was incredibly low (3% up to $10K in income….and $10K was a hell of a lot of annual income in the 1860s). Obama also fails to mention that the national debt was miniscule. We were not beholden to foreign lenders as we are today.

As per usual, Obama gives us intellectually dishonest points of reference. As if the tax rates where the same back then and debt was similar. Hell, if I was paying 3% in income tax, I probably would not care about a tax increase today. But between my FICA, social security, Medicare and property taxes….I pay almost 50% of my income to one tax or another. Bugger off if you want more.

There was nothing in the proposal that will lead to value creation. If there is no value created, the economy will not grow. All it will amount to is transferring money from one account to another (IE, from the tax payers to the non-tax payers.).

Step on up and play Obama Three Card Monte. Find the $! Where did it go, where did it go! It’s on the left! NOPE. It’s to the right! Nope. It’s in the middle! Nope. It’s gone forever.

But then, let’s face it, redistribution is all this administration was every about anyway.

It’s funny thinking back to Candidate Obama and Plumber Joe. Obama told him flat out what his administration would be about. And the media attacked Plumber Joe.

I think someone out there owes Plumber Joe an apology.

 Never — never have I seen a more derisive, poisonous and worthless speech by a US president, and I have now heard from 7 in my lifetime. It is clear this guy did not grow up with an American experience (sense of neighborhood, good public school, pride in US accomplishments, playing baseball / football, Cub / Boy Scouts and so on). It is clear, too, he caters to the socialist elements on our shores.

This next year will test America the likes we have not seen since the Civil War times, and way beyond what we saw in the worst of times during the Viet Nam war. Obama thinks it is a game to divide the haves from the have-nots, the union laborers from non-union workers, and the federal power from the states’ power and, most telling, the populace based on race.

 Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain summed it up best:

We waited 30 months for this?


Tell me why anyone Votes for a Democrat in the First Place?

Some of the Insanity from the Left that has comes through in the last couple of days…

 Maxine Waters wants a TRILLION Dollar Jobs Program. I think Maxine should be made to stand on the floor of the House and COUNT from 1 to 1 Trillion.

 The USPS wants a 5.5 Billion dollar bailout, break their union contract and lay off 125,000 workers and close boatloads of Post Offices.

I say CLOSE 80% of the Federal Government for the rest of the year.

 Democrats/Progressives are locked into Keynesian economics for one reason – it buys votes. And they are spending taxpayer funds, not their own. To them it’s a win situation even though it doesn’t help the economy or reduce unemployment. It does, in fact, just the opposite – more debt, higher taxes, less disposable income, fewer employed, and the list goes on.

 Some Keynesians can’t be helped because they believe in it. They are unable to contemplate any alternative. They are like the barber-doctors of old who bled their patients to remove the ‘bad’ humors from the body and kept doing it until the patient recovered his health. If the patient died it was because they didn’t bleed the patient enough.

However, Waters supports it because she makes money off it, and it gives her power and status, despite the damage it causes to society and people. 

Democrats/Progressives/Liberals have told us:

Food stamps are good for the economy

Unemployment checks are good for the economy

Natural disasters are good for the economy

A new terrorist attack may help boost the economy

Taxing the “rich” would be good for the economy

Borrowing more money (from China) would be good for the economy

Subsidizing private companies that are otherwise unprofitable is good for the economy

and if you don’t agree with them . . . you must be a racist.

Maxine, why bother with all these programs and bills? Let’s just do what you really want. Take all the money we can from anyone who works and just give it away to everyone you think deserves the money. What could possibly go wrong?

Finally, this is what three years of Obama – the VERY BEST the Democrats have ever had to offer – has given us:

US of A in Economic Depression

Downgraded US Credit Rating

Ignore the War Powers Act

Gas, Food and Clothing Prices Skyrocketing

Five Wars, One with a Record Death Toll

Raiding the Private Pension Fund to Avoid the Debt Ceiling

Lost 800+ Seats for His Own Party

44 Million Americans on Food Stamps

Over half of the States Suing to get out of Obama Care

One in Four Mortgages under Water

ATF Gunrunning Scandal

Please Keith Olbermann, “Reverend” Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Jimmy Hoffa Jr.  Continue to spin this disaster of a Presidential Administration that it is all good for everyone and that it is of course Bush’s fault.  Let me ask all of you I am sure you have all started a job that had a predecessor that made mistakes when they had the job.  Three years into the job did you blame the predecessor for the environment your place of work was presently in years later?  My guess is if you did you were either shown the door shortly thereafter or promoted….

 Do you want to know what we Conservatives stand for?



 American Oil

 Spending control

  No Illegal Immigration

  Less Government

   Less Taxes

   Less Abortion


You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

 You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

You cannot build character and courage by taking away people’s initiative and independence.

You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.

We MUST get beyond the failed “New Deal” and “Great Society”, ‘Nanny state‘ model for governing this country. Those theories have been tried, and they have failed. Those who are committed to the “Big Government” mode of government are riding a Sinking ship and are attempting to take us down with it…

We’ve never had a president who knows everything, and that’s why they surround themselves with “experts” who can offer advice on the best course of action. The problem Obama has is that he believes he knows everything, and he’s surrounded himself with idiots who think the same about themselves.

None of the people in the most important positions of power in our government have real world experience. They all approach the nation’s problems from a detached, academic, almost clinical perspective. They view the country as a  giant laboratory in which they can conduct experiments to prove or disprove their theories. And when the results happen to disprove their theories, they simply make excuses as to why the results can’t possibly be believed (i.e. the stimulus failed merely because it “wasn’t big enough”).

The American people are tired of being used as guinea pigs by a bunch of socialist “thinkers” who’d never believe their own theories if they ever bothered to step foot in the world of reality that the rest of us inhabit. Obama’s numbers will continue to sink as long as he believes his own hype.

Obama and DNC “Dog Whistle” Little Jimmy Hoffa’s Attack on the Tea Party

President Barry’s praise for Little Hoffa and his comments as a carefully-choreographed political move; this is no more a case of a loose-cannon union capo shooting off his mouth than was originally scheduling Soetoro’s “jobs speech” opposite the GOP debate an oversight.

Even within his cocoon of narcissism, President O has to know he is correctly perceived by most voters as clueless and weak. Therefore, Obama handlers decided to have Little Hoffa threaten organized violence against Barry political opponents while Barry praised Hoffa Jr. the President’s refusal to condemn Little Hoffa for promising organized violence against anyone who opposes Obama was intended as a “dog whistle” to the far left, who want to see purges and show trials. 

Unfortunately for our 44th President, this clumsy political move is going to blow up in his face like everything else he has done since January 20, 2009. Apparently, El Presidente forgets his call for “civility”, and his promises to be “post-partisan”. 

If you look at it the numbers are not there for Obama. The puppet masters have given him only a few more months to turn his poll numbers around. So, naturally, there’s desperation on the part of his supporters. But what kind of strategy is it to alienate so many Americans? If he can’t get his approval ratings up, Obama will be challenged in a primary. Too bad if it happens. I’d like to see him overwhelmingly defeated and his policies utterly renounced at election time.  

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a hypocritical scumbag of the first order. She was amongst the lead wailers & teeth gnashers about “violent rhetoric” after Ms.Giffords were shot by the Tea Partier who wasn’t a Tea Partier; typical regressive hypocrite and a black belt insane liberal.  I guess all that hair bleach & fake baking are taking their toll on her already more than feeble mind.

The Left just can’t fathom or understand why very few people believe their lies. They are like a 3 year old that has gotten away with lying their entire life, now nobody believes them. So their lies get more and more irrational and harder to believe. Even though I am VERY concerned about our future, I also notice these Marxist/Nazis are imploding. They will kick, scratch, bite and cheat to stay in power.

But hey, if the tea party called the left sons of B*tches then story would be enormous. Everyone on the left would be screaming about the VIOLENT rhetoric the tea party was spewing venomously. But because someone on the left said it it’s no big deal and it’s “Not what the American people are focused on or care about.” November 2012 can’t come fast enough. Send them all packing.

The new TOOL of the Democratic Party....

Desparate Times for the Dems…

Desperate times call for Desperate Measures and the Libs are the best at it.

More weeks of Unemployment Insurance because as we all know this helps the economy because unemployed people can buy food, clothes, I Pads, Cadillac Escalades – all the things they need.  Never mind that the Unemployment Insurance is paid by the employers, the people that – OOOPS… Hire people.

The Tea Party’s Mission Statement apparently is to see Black People hanging from trees.  Yes, that is all we talk about at the Tea Party Meetings I go to right after “Chat about Clinging to our Guns, Beer and Religion”.

And President Obama is going to try for the 762nd time to have the government prop up the job market by rebuilding schools and infrastructure.  Will these be “Shovel Ready Jobs” or just “Shoveling More Shit?”

Finally, Bad News Wisconsin Libs and Union Workers, your Governor Walker’s budget is actually working.

Guy Benson


First, the liberal Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reluctantly admitted that New Hitler’s Gov. Scott Walker‘s controversial budget and collective bargaining reforms are, in fact, working precisely as he predicted they would.  Now a second MSM source — namely, a reporter at Good Day Wisconsin — has concluded his own comprehensive examination of the law’s immediate effects.  His review discovered (surprise!) “across the board” savings for school districts throughout Wisconsin — some as high as seven figures this year alone.  These savings have not only allowed districts to avoid laying off the very teachers who most vehemently opposed the legislation, they also demonstrate that school districts had been locked into grossly overpaying for employees’ health insurance because of onerous, unaffordable union contracts. 

In other words, the Walker bill finally busted the racket…

OH, THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can see 2012 from here folks.

My Mom’s Dead Cats Could Beat Obama – And probably do a Better Job…

Who can beat Obama? Anybody

Liberal media push distraction about the elusive, perfect candidate

Brett Decker

Washington Times

If the presidential election were held today, just about anybody could wipe the floor with Barack Obama. The number of Americans who think “The One” is failing is at an all-time high. According to Gallup daily polling results released Monday, 55 percent now disapprove of the job President Obama is doing. The liberal media, which are in the tank for the first black president, don’t want voters to come to the conclusion that his defeat is inevitable so they’re cooking up mythical roadblocks in the way of a GOP victory.

The most common storyline is that the ideal Republican with the greatest chance of winning isn’t in the race yet. In fact, there’s a media obsession with who’s not in the race. Turn on the TV and the viewer is inundated with tales about New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie jumping in, former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani giving it another go, or former Vice President Dick Cheney throwing his hat into the ring. Last week, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who was everybody’s favorite noncandidate earlier this year, suggested that Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan would “enrich” the GOP field. As much as reporters look down on former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, they can’t stop prattling about how she would change the primary race and whether she would steal votes from other candidates or they would woo Tea Partyers away from her. Some liberal pundits are even getting over their deep-seated hatred of the Bush dynasty to whisper about the chances of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush making a surprise announcement late in the year.

All the talk about the elusive, best candidate is a sideshow. This distraction allows the media to ignore the extremely talented pool of Republican candidates already in the race and how much more experience they have than Barack did when he was elected in 2008. Polls show that any generic unnamed Republican beats Mr. Obama and, in some cases, handily. By concentrating on how the purportedly most-competitive GOP choices aren’t in the race, the left is diverting attention away from the reality that Mr. Obama is in a heap of trouble. According to Rasmussen Reports, 57 percent favor repeal of Obamacare, the president’s signature accomplishment in office. With fear of a double-dip recession running high, Americans consistently say the economy is their biggest concern. However, according to Rasmussen, only 29 percent of likely voters think Mr. Obama is doing a good or excellent job on economic matters – a new low. That means 71 percent aren’t impressed. Figures like this are a death knell for an incumbent.

Discussion about “the one that got away” is also part of a narrative to claim the Grand Old Party represents a narrow portion of the electorate. When some candidates – especially more liberal ones – don’t join the fray, commentators can talk all the way to the election about how the party is too conservative. “Too bad for Republicans that Rudy didn’t decide to run,” they’ll say with crocodile tears. “He’s what the party needs to appeal to the middle.” Never mind that a majority of Americans agree with the GOP base on bread-and-butter conservative issues ranging from tax cuts to abortion restrictions. In the end, this horse-race chatter won’t matter. Without an uptick in the economy or some major unforeseen event, almost any elephant could trample Mr. Obama next year.

We need a little Republican righteous anger that the left seems to think it owns. Time and time again the Dems/Libs are “outraged” over some “social justice” issue, and the MSM accepts these rants and raves as acceptable, even approving, lefty expression.

But the right is now outraged, as evidenced by the Tea Party, a true and diverse grassroots movement not bought and paid for like most student demonstrations or bused-in SEIU “marchers.” The outrage on the right comes from extra-constitutional activities and legislation by the government, the stupendous deficits and debt created by the government, and the unresponsiveness to the general population by this administration in particular.

Where Obama Blew Chunks on His Second Term Chances

How Obama lost his presidency in August 2009

Andrew Breitbart

 When the history of Barack Obama’s one-term presidency is written, August 2009 will be remembered as the turning point.

It was then that thousands of ordinary citizens began to rise up against a health care bill being forced through Congress. And it was then that the Obama administration declared war, through its union proxies, against the American people.

Obama had been elected to fix the economy. But Democrats had planned for years to use the first year of the next “progressive” presidency to push universal health care, according to the plan written in federal prison by convicted fraudster and Democrat strategist Robert Creamer. That plan declared: “To win we must not just generate understanding, but emotion — fear, revulsion, anger, disgust.”

The Democrats followed that plan to the letter and vowed to pass ObamaCare — then known as H.R. 3200 — before that summer’s end. But when they dispatched members of Congress to town hall meetings to sell Obama’s policy, they met unprecedented outrage — not just protests, but the simple, searing questions of their constituents: “Why should we pay for abortions?” “Does the legislation cover illegal immigrants?” “Have you even read the bill?”

Some of the opposition was organized by Tea Party groups that had sprung up in the wake of President Obama’s massive stimulus in February 2009. But much of it was spontaneous. Then-House Speaker (now Minority Leader) Nancy Pelosi called the protests “un-American” and falsely accused Tea Party members of carrying swastikas. That made the public even more indignant.

By early August, President Obama realized he was losing public support. So he turned to the “community organizing” techniques of his Chicago days. On Aug. 6, 2009, Jim Messina, then-White House Deputy Chief of Staff (now managing Obama’s re-election campaign), told Democrats to “punch back twice as hard.” The same day, John Sweeney, then-president of the AFL-CIO, issued a memo telling union members to show up at the town hall “battleground.”

That very evening, union thugs at a town hall meeting in Tampa assaulted a man who opposed ObamaCare, ripping the shirt off his back. And that same night in St. Louis, Ken Gladney allegedly was beaten up outside a town hall meeting as he tried to distribute Gadsden (“Don’t Tread On Me”) flags by union thugs yelling, “What kind of nigger are you?” The next day, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius thanked SEIU members for their efforts at town halls.

It didn’t stop there. On Aug. 31, left-wing organizers outside a town hall meeting in suburban Chicago instructed activists to block residents’ questions. The Gladney attack was a small part of a much larger campaign of intimidation, directed from the White House. The acquittals in the Gladney case cannot erase what happened, even though the high-flying lawyers brought in by the SEIU outmatched the rookie prosecutor. But the verdict has been seized upon by the left-wing propagandists at Media Matters, which received a hefty donation from the SEIU after the Gladney attack and which set about trying to destroy Gladney’s credibility.

Local graduate student Adam Shriver has been a willing accomplice in Media Matters’ revisionism. In an Aug. 25 oped column in the Post-Dispatch, he accuses me of ‘smearing” unions — yet in this case and others, Shriver focuses obsessively on shreds that favor his ideological patrons, knowing and caring little about the facts as a whole.

Recently, when professors at the University of Missouri were caught indoctrinating their students in violent tactics in labor disputes, Shriver tried to dismiss the evidence by focusing on edits in a highlight reel created by an independent blogger. He refuses to join calls for the university to release video or transcripts of the course as a whole, thereby assisting the administration’s cover-up. Both private and public unions continue to use those thuggish tactics — most recently in the Verizon strike, where union members staged a mock funeral outside an executive’s home, and even put a little girl in front of a truck to scare replacement workers.

Ken Gladney was an innocent victim, singled out by thugs specifically because they thought he was a black conservative, for whom the Janeane Garolafos of the left reserve special contempt. Those who accuse the Tea Party of being “terrorists,” and who blamed Sarah Palin for the Tucson massacre, have yet to be held accountable for the violence they unleashed in August 2009. They “won” the Gladney case, but they are losing the nation, thanks to the extraordinary courage of ordinary people who will not be silenced.

There are only 2 reasons Obama won in 2008:

1) Obama was a blank slate that the Lame-stream press painted to match the moment
2) McCain was an old fart who didn’t know how to read is own eMail – and boasted of it

This time around everyone knows Dear Leader Obama – the golf swings and vacations.  Obama is a well known failure.

The GOP will run the Anti-Obama – someone who is young, energetic, ruthless, and 180 degrees different than Obama in EVERY way.

Obama is toast…..


Also Tack On this Reason Obama will be a one term President:

The Misery Index, popularized by Governor Carter to hound President Ford only to be President Carter​’s undoing, haunts Democrats again. The combined unemployment and inflation rates are at their worst level in twenty-eight years. The stock market has just spent six weeks in the red. The GDP grows at an anemic rate of 1.8 percent. The housing market has been in shambles for five years, and seems to be double dipping. Debt approaches GDP. Flat-lining and nose-diving trend lines make the president’s reelection precarious. Even a browbeaten Bill Daley, the president’s chief of staff, conceded to an incensed National Association of Manufacturers convention, “Sometimes you can’t defend the indefensible.” He said it. 

Hey, Ho Here is Why Obama Must Go…..

 Bill O’Reilly in One of his Talking Points Memo last week said that the 2012 election is quite possibly “The Election of our Lives”.  Do we go elect someone who can us back to a land of opportunity and small government or do we re-elect Obama so that he can fulfill his vision of Utopian Socialism with Big Government and plenty of Entitlements..

 Focus Folks, Its Obama

 Bruce Bialosky

So let’s focus on why this fine fellow (Obama) needs to be retired:

Lawless Attitude: The opposition can cite examples where prior Presidents have attempted to pick and choose laws to follow, but Obama and his cronies have raised this to a new level:

1. Ignoring a judicial ruling regarding Gulf drilling because of his desire to eliminate carbon-based fuels in favor of his delusional plan for green energy.

2. Refusing to defend a law, the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which was passed by Congress and signed by a prior President of his own party, because he thinks it’s unconstitutional. Maybe Obama, who supposedly taught Constitutional law, forgot that the third part of our government – the courts – determine whether a law is constitutional or not.

3. Card Check, the attempt by organized labor to circumvent union elections, was defeated. So Obama and his union cronies on the National Labor Relations Board decide to enact Card Check-like procedures to provide unions with unfair advantages in order to screw private businesses.

EPA: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under Obama has become the single most destructive force in the American economy. The destruction of farming in California to protect the delta smelt is one example among many.

For clarity, no one wants dirty air or water. But there is proportionality in everything, and Obama’s EPA is run by a team of far-left zealots. Under Lisa Jackson, a career environmental regulator, any sense of balance has been lost. Another four years of Obama could turn America into a prison under EPA control.

Foreign Policy: Being the President when Bin Laden was killed is not enough to overcome Obama’s totally inept foreign policy. His practice of slapping down our friends and kissing up to our enemies is without a doubt the worst foreign policy in my lifetime – except perhaps for Jimmy Carter. (Talk about low standards!)

Dodd-Frank: Without a new President and a Congress willing to defund and/or repeal this law, our credit markets will be significantly impaired in the name of “consumer protection.” Elizabeth Warren and her horde of “we know better” Harvard elites will “protect” people completely out of the credit markets, thereby eliminating any hope of moving up the economic ladder.

Warren and her gang never learned from the overreaction of Sarbanes-Oxley, which in the name of “protecting” us drove capital formation markets to foreign countries. Sarbox has destroyed thousands of jobs, so why should we allow another omnibus bill – that doesn’t even consider the damaging effect on our economy – to take full force and effect? Give Obama four more years and you will see how destructive this law becomes.

And the granddaddy of them all:

ObamaCare: Need I say more? Yes, I do. All the controls and panels and invasive elements of the law go into effect during Obama’s second term. Unless we overturn this monstrosity and replace it with reasonable laws to reform our medical system, God help us.


Even the leftist N.Y.Times now laments that the ObaMessiah never leads– not on ObamaCare , not on the “Stimulus,” and especially not on this Debt Ceiling/Budget Crisis.

He does seem to lead, however, at recreating– playing golf, shooting hoops, vacationing lavishly in Hawaii, etc. He also petulantly whines a lot and blames everyone but his egomaniacal self.

Let’s face an inconvenient fact– too many voted for a pig in a poke…and now the lipstick on the pig is not faking as many out. We got change– for the worse. The guy is in over his head.


More Reasons Why this will not be your Great-Grandfather’s 1929

Why the U.S. Economy is the Titanic Headed for the Iceberg

Wayne Allyn Root

America is staring at economic disaster- Obamageddon. We are the Titanic, headed straight for the iceberg. Even delusional 500 point up days on Wall Street will not change the frightening long term picture. The iceberg is straight ahead.

Obama and his socialist cabal have channeled Hoover and FDR, who turned an ordinary bust into The Great Depression with a toxic strategy of more government, more spending, more debt, more entitlements, more rules and regulations strangling business, higher minimum wages, more power to unions, higher taxes, more printing of money by Fed, and trade tariffs. This is the Obama blueprint squared.

Here’s where the story gets downright frightening. This time the results are going to be dramatically worse than 1929. This time we are facing The Greatest Depression ever. Obamageddon.

Why? Because The Great Depression had NONE of problems and obligations we are now facing.

In 1929 America was not $100 trillion in debt and unfunded liabilities.

In 1929, most of our states were not bankrupt, insolvent and dependent on the federal government to survive. Entering the last Great Depression, California was not imitating Greece.

In 1929, we had far fewer government employees living off taxpayers. Today there are over 21 million federal, state and local government employees. Today 1 out of 5 federal employees earn over $100,000. 77,000 federal employees earn more than the Governors of their states. Government employees retire at age 50 with $100,000 pensions for life. The postal service – without competition- loses $8 billion annually. Protected by their unions and the politicians they elect, government employees are bankrupting America.

In 1929, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid didn’t exist. The federal government had no such obligations threatening to consume the entire federal budget within a few years.

In 1929, there was no such thing as welfare, food stamps, aid to dependent children, or English as a second language programs. American’s didn’t consider it the responsibility of government to pay for breakfast and lunch for school students – let alone illegal immigrants.

In 1929, we didn’t have millions of illegal immigrants and their children collecting billions of dollars in entitlements from U.S. taxpayers.

In 1929, legal immigrants wanted only to work. My grandparents from Russia and Germany received no government benefits. They worked day and night to provide for their family and become American citizens. It was sink or swim.

In 1929, we had 150 million citizens with a strong work ethic- all motivated to earn the American Dream for their children and grandchildren. Americans were hungry in 1929. Today the hungry, motivated citizens and entrepreneurs are in China and India.

In 1929, we had an education system that was the envy of the world. Today our public schools are in shambles. We spend the most in the world, and get among the worst results. The difference today? Teachers unions are in charge, instead of parents.

Our dumbed-down students are taught socialism and the great benefits of big government. They graduate with few skills, qualified only for low paying manufacturing jobs that no longer exist- they’ve been shipped to China and India. How will this hopeless, helpless, clueless workforce earn a living for the rest of their lives?

In 1929 taxes were much lower. Forget the tax rates- they were meaningless. In those days we had a cash economy, so most businesses paid little or no taxes. Sales and FICA taxes didn’t exist. Today the combined local, state, property, gas, sales, FICA and federal taxes are the highest burden in history. This stifles entrepreneurship and hinders the financial risk-taking necessary to create jobs and get out of a Great Depression.

Yet in the face of this unprecedented carnage from sea to shining sea, government bureaucrats think it’s a priority to shut down lemonade stands run by 4 year olds. And have SWAT teams raid farms for selling…raw milk. And clamp down on Americans sitting in their own bedrooms, on their own computers, playing online poker with their own money. Insanity reigns.

Do you get the picture? This Obama Great Depression is compounded by levels of debt, taxes, spending, entitlements, government bureaucracy & idiocy, as well as sheer numbers of government employees and illegal immigrants never imagined in 1929. Disaster looms. The iceberg bears down upon us.

We are in deep, deep trouble. There is no easy way out. The economy is crumbling. The situation is turning more hopeless by the hour. All of this is caused by big government. Yet Obama’s solution is bigger government. We are addicted to spending. Obama’s solution is more spending. We have mountains of debt. Obama’s solution is more debt. Taxpayers and the Tea Party are revolting. Obama’s solution is to blame the victims.

The solution is simple- cut government, cut spending, cut entitlements, cut the debt, cut taxes, stop the wars, end the Fed, term limit politicians, back the dollar with a gold standard…and most importantly, send Obama packing before there is no economy or country left to save. Or, like so many other great empires of history, America may never recover from this greatest of all depressions.

America has hit more than one iceberg. In the past six years it’s been one after the other, Obamacare, Dodd-Frank bill, and on and on with these progressive trash. Funny how these progressives talk about spreading the wealth around as long as it’s not theirs. America will not begin to recover until we start to actually manufacture things again and quit sending all our manufacturing to other countries.

Hey Americans United for Change Dot Org, Will there be an Obama Legacy Tour Bus Fleet?

A long, long time ago in the year 2008 an Organization called Americans United for Change put together a touring bus with the Mission Statement of bashing the Bush 43 Administration. 

From the Americans United for Change website here was the purpose of the Legacy Tour:

About the Bush Legacy Tour

Today, George W. Bush has the approval of only roughly one in three Americans according to most polls with two out of three disapproving of his performance as President. Across the board, Americans reject everything from Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq and fighting terrorism to his handling of the economy, education, the environment and health care.

Americans United for Change, along with a number of allies, is launching the “Bush Legacy Project.” The project’s goal is three-fold:

  • Continually remind American voters why they have lost faith in President Bush and his agenda.
  • To tie Bush and his agenda directly to the conservative brand and its followers.
  • To highlight how Bush’s conservative economic, social and foreign policy agenda has failed — to shift the center of the political debate away from the conservative frame by demonstrating the failure of Bush’s policies.

The Bush Legacy Project, therefore, will be a critical element in the ongoing effort to redefine American political values and to create an enduring progressive majority in America.

Interestingly on the bus itself there were four issues (talking points if you will) that it wanted to address:

Economy in Crisis

Endless Iraq War

Healthcare Mess

Record Gas Prices

So, if we take the Talking Points from the Bush Legacy Tour Bus of 2008 to the Obama Administration of 2011 let’s check and see if our 44th President made any progress:

We Can Wipe Out Economy in Crisis, Healthcare Mess and Record Gas Prices in a couple of sentences: 

 The number of Unemployed Americans is now at 14.1 million – up 2.1 million from Inauguration Day.

The Unemployment Rate 9.1 Percent – up 14.2 Percent from Inauguration Day.

Health Care Insurance Premiums – $3997 Per Household – up 19% from Inauguration Day. 

BONUS ROUND:  – Obama Care kicks in 2014.

Average Gas Price – $3.71 a Gallon – up 101% from Inauguration Day.

Federal Debt – $14.3 Trillion – up 35% from Inauguration Day. 

BONUS ROUND:  Debt Rating slashed to AA.

..And to wrap it all up:

Misery Index – 12.8 – Up 64% from Inauguration Day

Debt per Person – $45,987 – Up $11,256 from Inauguration Day

Food Stamp Recipients – 45 million – Up 40% from Inauguration Day



Okay, I will give Obama a couple of points on Iraq…  He is pulling out the troops and winding down the involvement there.  But, ooops he started an unauthorized war in Libya.  Judges, what do you say?  BZZZZT.  Okay, Judges Say take those points away Mr. President sorry.

So, Americans United for Change it looks like you will need at least a couple of buses at least to do the Obama Legacy Bus Tour.

Good luck.

So, Where are the Obama Legacy Tour Fleet of Buses Guys?