President Obama Where is the Recovery? This is no longer George W. Bush’s ditch. It is YOURS and YOURS alone and it has been for 3+ Years

Maybe in the land of Unicorn Farts and Algae Powered Cars it is Mr. President. But, in the REAL world, it is still going down the crapper.

The Dot Com Bubba Bubble cracked a full year before Clinton left office, and the NASDAQ was down $2.5 trillion before Clinton was gone. All leading indicators were falling like a coyote off a cliff when Bush took office, but Marxists pretend to this day that the economy was rising in 2001 and Bush ruined it. Utter nonsense.

Then the Democrats’ Unaffordable Housing Project crashed in 2007, and the whole economy crashed in 2008 the same week that a Marxist secured the votes for the Democratic Party nomination for president. President Bush and Senators Hagel and McCain tried to reform Fan and Fred beginning in 2003, but Senate Democrats blocked the reforms until after the housing bubble crashed.

The fourth-largest economic bubble (dot com) in history and the second-largest economic bubble (housing) in history were the direct product of Democrats/Marxists trying to manipulate the economy and buy votes with the taxpayers’ money. Both were social and economic disasters, creating huge unemployment and destroying wealth. Democrats/Marxists always lie about their record, but it is muddle-headed thinking that allows Conservatives to believe what a Democrat says.

So far the Obama’ administration’s answer has been to devalue the currency, wantonly cast blame while avoiding responsibility, and pay off the votes they got in 2008. If you take the job, do the job.

He can give speeches to the people. And deceive, woo or mislead people into believing that economy is improving and that his policies “can” work. But he cannot “convince” or hypnotize the economy itself. The economy will always be driven by the economic laws which are like forces of nature, work whether someone likes it or not. When socialists try to distort these, the economy suffers, and it always responds in a way that makes it very clear what works and what does not. Look, USSR tried to control every aspect of the economy. All they got was horrendous distortions, shortages of everything imaginable. But, there were always “market forces” albeit driven into the shadows that proved that only free enterprise works. Obama may think he is the greatest speaker of our time, but even he cannot “convince” the economy to work contrary to market principles. No matter how much make-believe wishful thinking he puts behind it.

Historically, housing leads the American economy. The age old “buy, low sell high” concept is on display, and we are seeing now is the “evil” 1% in the position of leading the economy by building and purchasing homes and real estate investment. When a person a stable career and vision of building a future they buy a home. Rank and file employees rent, and “citizens” enjoy public housing and public assistance.

The economic engine of this country, middle class small business, is going to lead the recovery by investing in their personal and business future using real estate as a vehicle. No socialist policies that reward mediocrity will suffice. No “programs” or as I like to call them “government games” will suffice. Only the leveraging of economic opportunity by intrepid, hardworking individuals will move the economy in a positive direction.

We got the change, and it has resulted in a distinct lack of hope. Smart, hardworking people will make money in any market. Be smart and work hard, make money and help America recover.

Three Years and 95 days late and Trillions of dollars more in debt: Obama: ‘It’s our turn to be responsible’


We’re here only because somebody somewhere felt responsibility not just for themselves, but they felt responsibility for something else, but they felt responsibility for something larger. They thought about their neighborhood, they thought about their community, they thought about their country — now — they thought about the planet. Now it’s our turn to be responsible, it’s our turn to keep that promise alive. No matter how tough these times have been no matter how many obstacles that may stand in our way, I promise you North Carolina, there are better days ahead.”

Here are the latest reasons that the Democrats have proposed for being reelected:
1.) A white Hispanic in Florida defended himself.
2.) A white-Native-American and one white-white criminal murdered 5 blacks.
3.) A Buffet-Bill that would raise $5 billion dollars in order to reduce the deficit to ONLY a mere Five Trillion nine-hundred and ninety-five billion dollars! Democrats call that “progress”.
4.) Mrs. Romney raised her own kids at home.

-Race wars, campaigns against parents raising their own kids, and tax gimmicks.

That’s ALL they the Democrats have left. They don’t have any new ideas to solve the country’s many problems, and all their old ideas failed miserably.

Obama’s rhetoric is redundant and tiring. It is stale and his delivery is weak. There is absolutely nothing “hopeful” about it. He’s sounding like Jimmy Carter. His platform is one of vilification, blame, and dire predictions of gloom and doom should he not be reelected. That’s compelling? Obama has not offered “any” plan for the next four years except raising taxes, in the sense of “fairness”. Fairness for whom? The government? The Buffet Plan, along with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, “and” the implementation of the tax initiatives contained in ObamaCare, will crush the Middle Class. What a plan! Not one word about cutting spending. This from a guy who jets around the world taking vacations while telling Americans they need to forgo theirs and accept “shared sacrifice” for “the good of the state”. Only a loon would vote for 4 more of that.

Responsibility begins with an “attitude of gratitude”. Barack Obama and Michelle, both benefited greatly from living in the United States of America and reaping from her all she could give. But they were not grateful; they felt it was “owed” to them. That chip on their shoulders is very obvious in their lifestyle, their public comments, and last but not least, his policies. Policies intended to take down the very country that gave to them so freely. Because instead of gratitude, their sense of entitlement says we owed it to them. The Liberals all harbor this same lack of gratitude and in its place a sense of “entitlement”. Society owes them because they are, people of color, economically handicapped, suffer a gender crisis disorder, came from a broken home, the list is endless of excuses why people feel entitled now rather than grateful. When we are grateful, we feel a sense of responsibility. We OWE because we reaped benefits that we were not entitled to, but were made available to us. Our responsibility to the society that benefits us is to carry ourselves with dignity and self-respect, to have a positive impact on society, to give back what was given to us. Herman Cain gets it. Allen West gets it. Mitt Romney gets it. Risk Santorum gets it. In November, we need to remove the “you owe me because.., agenda with an agenda of grateful Americans who know that we live in the greatest nation on earth and our society is made up of the most giving people on earth. America is about a “hand up” not a “hand out”.

Send the Obamas and their “chip” back to Chicago, Hawaii or one of the 57 other states.

Dear President Obama, Where is the Friggin’ Recovery?

There is no “recovery.” The idea of a “recovery, albeit a slow one” is part of the media and academia partnership to portray the current administration as “leading the U.S. out of the mess inherited from the previous administration.” I should add that Wall Street is an equal partner in the Great Recovery Deception because the larger corporate entities, particularly the international ones, know that consumer optimism is the fuel of our society’s economic engine, and the best way to artificially stimulate consumer optimism is to create the impression that “things are getting better, every day.” It has worked to a degree, perhaps because of the perfect storm of perception management created when the major players are all shouting that the Emperor’s new clothes are splendid and flattering: the current administration, the federal legislative branch, Wall Street, the media, the entertainment industry, and academia all have a vested interest in trying to convince our nation’s consumers and taxpayers that “the worst is over, and steady economic gains are finally occurring … a bull market is right around the corner … the jobs picture looks to really take off this summer.” And last summer, and the summer before that, yadda, yadda, yadda … but the jobs picture is still lying there on the ground. It’s all a load of bovine excrement: there is no recovery. Yes, several of the disparate economic markers have shown sporadic improvement, but the overall economic process is stagnant. All you have to do is ask 100 average Americans, “What do you think of the recovery?” Even the half of them who are still employed will say, “I see little evidence of any recovery, and less evidence that our government’s policies will bring a recovery about.” That’s the way it goes, but don’t expect to see it reported on the evening news.

Business has zero confidence in President Algae and the Democrats.

Some businesses and job-creators are on a capital strike until Obama and the Democrats are voted out of power in November.

The deep debt in which the U.S. has been plunged (5 trillion dollars’ worth under Obama) is deeply troubling to anyone with any awareness of economic reality.

Furthermore, with increased energy prices, a devalued dollar (thank you Democrats for QE2), Iranian nuclear ambitions, the rise of Islam-fascism, and the collapse of the Euro, the U.S. is one international crisis away from another round of deep recession/ depression.

Who on Earth would borrow money; mortgage his home in order to expand his business with a deceitful, dishonorable, world-class lying Marxist in the White House, intent on bringing this quivering Republic into the abyss of his stinking mire and the economic filth of his chosen political environment??

 The Supreme Court Justices remarked: “We’re not stupid Mr. President!!” The small businessmen of this nation who could end your failed attempt at lifting up the nation’s economy within a few months– but Mr., President, they have zero faith in your ability, they are just too intelligent to trust you to do anything but fail. That’s 100% of your record of public exposure.

In a word Mr. Obama, you are a loser!! And, lie as you might, you cannot hide it from the American People.

Hey Dave, what’s UP? Axelrod: “Reign of Terror from the Far Right”. Uh, thanks, Dave I’ll check in later when your meds kick in.


AXELROD: “I think a lot of Republicans in Congress want to cooperate, know better, but they’re in the thralls of this reign of terror from the far right that has dragged the party to the right. In your own polling and other polling, you see the Republican Party has really moved out of the mainstream.”

The problem with Mr. Axelrod, and those like him, is that people will believe what he says regardless of how blatantly false it is.  They lie, misinform, take things out of context, don’t present credible facts, and the liberal media eats it up and presents it as the truth.  I know people who have stated they don’t listen to Fox News because they say Fox News lies.  When asked for a specific example, they can’t cite one, or say well that’s what we read in the NYT or heard on MSNBC or CNN (which as we all know are completely unbiased news organizations……aren’t they?). 

Obamania Whacko Syndrome (OWS) is rampant among the liberal media outlets.  The only cure is large doses of common sense, which the OWSers refuse to take.

The entire country has been under a 3 ½ year reign of terror from left-wing extremists, compliments of the Chairman Obama regime. What used to be the demo-rat party had been taken over by the Communist party that has renamed itself the “Progressive” party. In November we MUST put an end to this reign of terror and kick these communists out of power. 

The only reign of terror we the people are feeling has to wake up and find out this administration is still in office. I can’t get any more terrified knowing my kids and future generations aren’t going to have anything because you people made sure that would happen.

It is about time that America is coming to its senses. There is one very good thing that Obama has accomplished in his short career. He has made the agenda of the liberals very clear, and America says NO. We are finally demanding that our politicians stand up for conservatives in America. We will no longer suffer their compromise with liberals and democrats.

By the way, DAVID, what moving van do you want sent to the White House after November?  Looks like the American voters will be sending a big moving van to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!  We can’t take anymore wasteful spending from your party.  Start packing, the party’s over!!

Wait, I thought the President of the United States was supposed to be a hardworking, pull them up by the Boot Strap type of guy – Not a Rock Star.

In 2008 we elected our first “American Idol” president. The electorate was sold on empty slogans from a candidate whose past was widely unknown, by design, and who had a stunningly thin resume. And yes, Sen. McCain was not the best candidate, but his own personal sacrifice in service to his country alone would have gotten him elected fifty years ago.

Many Americans have worked hard, have sacrificed, and have taken the harder road to become not only more successful in terms of financial remuneration, but just plain better-to be the best they can be. Why should this not be expected of someone who is seeking the most powerful job in the world?

What is even more distressing is to see someone like Mitt Romney, who did not simply inherit wealth-he, EARNED it, being pilloried because of his success. You never hear anything about scandal in his life. He is clearly devoted to his family and raised what seem like five fine sons, has been phenomenally successful in his business pursuits, and was an effective Governor (whether you agree with his politics or not.)

Although I’m in a field that I will never be wealthy, although I make a comfortable living, I greatly admire what this man has accomplished. I also greatly admire the fact that Ann Romney stayed at home to raise her kids. I hear from the President, himself, that was not an option for him and Mrs. Obama, although their earnings clearly put them in the upper tax bracket. My wife is a Home School mom.   We have also been blessed with her handling of money, but that decision has been the most important of our marriage and it has been a blessing. It is far more important to raise two decent, hardworking and God Fearing human beings than to acquire more material goods. We have constantly had to “cut across the grain” in raising our son and daughter-it is not easy to constantly monitor and filter out and/or fight against the filth and narcissm prevalent in our culture.

How sad it is we have gotten to the point that enormous personal success disqualifies a man like Mitt Romney in the eyes of many of our citizens from leading this nation through a very precarious chapter in its history. Too many would rather foment resentment of others more successful and cheap excuses for their own failings. I’m resigned to our inevitable decline as a country. It makes me very sad, not so much for me, but for my young son and daughter.

Will rack of dog be on the menu? Obama, Clooney and You…

The Obama campaign’s perennial “Dinner with Barack” contest now includes a special guest: George Clooney.

“Any donation you make today automatically enters you for a chance to be George Clooney’s guest at a reception for President Obama,” the Obama campaign wrote in a fundraising solicitation called “Obama, Clooney and You.”

Sorry Guys I have an Aneurysm scheduled that night.

George Clooney? What the hell has he done in his life other than entertain us that merits this? If he was never born, the world would not have missed him. There are many people that have brought something to the table that made this country great. Those that have invented something that changes our lives, those that have put their lives on the line for others, those that employ people, people on the assembly line, business owners. This guy just pretends to be someone on film and he’s important??? I don’t understand why people are so fascinated with Hollywierd. I guess now I know how BO got elected.

I personally wouldn’t give two plug nickels to have dinner with either one of the narcissistic progressives. This is just another example of what the Dems think of their constituents; bribe ’em with a celebrity (after all, who wouldn’t be willing to give money for a chance at a dinner with 2 stars.) You’d think Obama would be insulted by this. It is reminiscent of the old “lunch box” raffles where you got to eat with the lady that prepared the lunch. Does the deal include a picture too, how about a hug, a kiss? If I give lots of money, does Clooney sleep with me? That’s the level this gimmick is on – guess Obama’s campaign is taking lessons from the Secret Service.

Clooney might consider his film career is on the downswing, same can be said for Alec Baldwin, and both might be looking at a political career in their future. Self-absorbed Hollywood types most always believe their own press clippings and as long as they have fans who drool all over themselves when they are in their presence these actors will always think of themselves as something more special, and their view points are more serious, and their causes are more important. Reality is sometimes hard to distinguish when you’re an adult working in a make believe scripted world of play acting.

What’s next?

Why, Michelle will be raffling off tickets for rides aboard air force one for exotic locale shopping trips with the first lady and a “Let Them Eat Cake Walk” will be held on the south lawn of the white house.

Yep—- they have just about degraded each and every thing once held sacred by a president and first lady.
I’d be embarrassed for them, but I want them voted out in November so I hope they keep up these trashy, common shenanigans.

Will be having more fun passing kidney stones. Sorry Guys.

Obama Administration is far beyond their 19th Nervous Breakdown

 Administration meltdowns are hardly novel. In almost every presidency there comes a moment when sheer chaos takes hold, whether self-induced or as a result of an outside crisis.

 Vietnam had effectively destroyed Lyndon Johnson by 1967. Watergate unraveled the Richard Nixon administration, as the disgraced president resigned in the face of certain impeachment. Gerald Ford could not whip inflation and was not re-elected. One-termer Jimmy Carter was undone by the Iranian hostage crisis and skyrocketing oil prices.

 For a time, it seemed that Ronald Reagan’s second term might not survive the Iran-Contra scandal. George H.W. Bush could not be re-elected after he broke his promise not to raise taxes and Ross Perot entered the 1992 race. The popular Bill Clinton was impeached over the Monica Lewinsky affair and limped out of office tainted. The insurgency in Iraq and the fallout from Hurricane Katrina crashed for good the once-high poll ratings of George W. Bush.

 The Obama administration over the last month has seemed on the verge of one of these presidential meltdowns.

 An open mic caught the president promising Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he would be more flexible after the election — as if Obama might grant concessions that would be unpalatable if known to the general public before November. That embarrassment followed an earlier hot-mic put-down of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last year.

 The president also unwisely attacked the Supreme Court as it deliberated the constitutionality of Obamacare. He needlessly referred to the justices as “unelected” and wrongly claimed that that they had little precedent to overturn laws that dealt with commerce. The gaffe about the court and its history was doubly embarrassing because Obama has often reminded the public that he used to teach constitutional law.

Let us examine the term “meltdown”.

The Obama Administration is a disaster. It is a debacle, a failure, a flop, a washout. It is in breakdown mode and will crash. Obama is on track for a Career reevaluation by the Citizens of the USA. . Let us examine critical terms and statements of fact:

1. Bluff: a statement intended to deceive or confuse (” Fence between US and Mexico is “Practically Complete”).

2. Canard: an unsubstantiated story or report (“I have met a hard working teacher, Robert Baroz”).
(Not a teacher ever met.)

3. Deceit: a deceptive statement (” The health care bill will not increase the deficit by one dime”).

4. Deception: A statement or action intended to mislead (“Guantanamo bay to be closed within a year”).

 5. Distortion: a deviation from the true meaning, or an overstatement of proportion (“Would have the most transparent administration in History”).

6. Equivocation: a misleading or confusing statement based on the possibility of differing interpretations (“Then you’ve got their (GOP) which is dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance”).

7. Exaggeration: an overstatement or overemphasis (“I’ve done more for Israel’s security than any President ever”).

8. Fable: a fictitious statement or story, in the sense of something made up to explain or justify an unmerited action or state of affairs (‘‘my father served in World War II.”)-

9. Fabrication: a made-up fact or incident (“We have run out of places in the US to drill for oil.”)

10. Fairy tale: a misleading story, especially a simplistic one that would not be expected to deceive anyone:(I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States).

Meltdown? You better believe it!

When Democrats failed at trying to discredit Ronald Reagan, they finally decided to make him their own. Really? I find it noteworthy that in everything Reagan said, he used the pronoun “WE.” Listen to Barack Obama, and you will note that in everything he says, he uses the pronoun “I.” The differences begin there, and grow, and grow, and grow. Reagan was a better president on his worst day than Obama is on his best.

Obama’s house of cards is in free-fall. Everything points to Obama’s lack of any meaningful experience and willingness to engage in illegal activity. Being a community organizer will not give you the experience to be President. Now, it will be quite delicious watching as the progressives eat their own.

Good Lord Lady you have to be kidding!!! Michelle Obama: ‘This President Has Brought Us Out of the Dark and Into the Light’

First lady Michelle Obama hit the campaign trail in Nashville on Tuesday and told a packed crowd in a downtown office building that the campaign has an “amazing story to tell.”

“This President has brought us out of the dark and into the light,” she said. “But we need each and every one of you as fired up as you’ve been.”

The first lady made roughly the same stump speech of recent weeks, chronicling the accomplishments of her husband’s first term, from the auto industry rescue to health care reform, ending the war in Iraq and the killing of Osama bin Laden. In a roughly 26-minute speech to a crowd of about 450, she also appealed to women voters, highlighting her husband’s signing of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

The only ray of light I see is that the sleeping giants are awakening and seeing the man for who he is and what he really wants to do. He wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted to transform America….problem is, he couldn’t get it done in 4 years so begging for the next four so that he can take us down to the depths of despair. And she claimed if we elect him, we won’t recognize America…further saying he will “change” history. No, you don’t change history – history is history. Vote in November because your life and that of your family depends on it – This time vote for hope and change!!!! He sure didn’t give it to us.

For once, she is actually finally right about something, he has brought us into the light. He has shown us a very clear picture of how he and the Democrat party thinks and operates. He has opened our eyes to the massive corruption in DC and in his party. He has unintentionally opened our eyes to what a liar and deceiver he is, and most importantly, by spending millions to lock down his history and records, he has shown us a clear vision that he is a complete and total lying fraud by forging documents in order to usurp the office he holds. He has proven that “We The People” no longer have a right to legal redress when it comes to verifying who our elected officials are and he has shown by ignoring court subpoena’s that he is above the law, which runs counter to the tenants of our founding, that NO MAN is above the law.

Yes, Barry has brought us out of the dark and into the light and shown us clear as a bell that our country has been “OVERTHROWN” and needs to be re-taken by the patriots who still love and believe in this great nation. Thank you Barack Obama, you have opened our eyes to how bad things really are and how important it is for us to rid ourselves of lying deceiving racist garbage like yourself. For that we are appreciative and for that we now know clearly how important this election will be.

 O Must Go For America To Survive!!!  

Is Obama inspiring Anger rather than Hope amongst us?

In the 1850’s a small group of agitators in the north and the south took it upon themselves to misrepresent, doctor up and outright lie about things to stir up the large majority of the population and inflame regional resentments. Both sides wanted to work out their differences rationally but a relative handful on each side thought they could achieve unlimited power by stirring things up. A war would settle everything in one grand and glorious battle and all the problems would be solved, they said. Four years later 600,000 men were dead. The winter after the end of the war, almost half of the former slave population had died of exposure and starvation. Reconstruction, the Democrat enforcement arm KKK, Jim Crow laws, black codes and segregation lasted another century. All the results of a small minority stirring up division in their efforts to grab power. Does anyone doubt that Obama will hesitate to pull those levers again?

It is almost like 0bama wants to start another Civil War. It would be a complete breakdown of the current social order and would allow him and his minions a once-in-a-millennium opportunity to install themselves in positions of power. “Never let a crisis go to waste”, remember? They want permanent power, lest anyone misunderstand. Nobody can convince me that this bunch cares a whit about individual liberty or freedom of any kind of choice for anybody but themselves. Further, nobody can convince me that this bunch would not welcome a violent upheaval if it allowed them a chance to take over in such a way that their control would never be challenged again. This all sounds so harsh to our ears, this sounds like something we would hear about some far-off fiefdom or banana republic. But these very totalitarians have been infiltrating our own system for decades and if we have any aspirations toward maintaining any recognizable measure of liberty, we must defeat them. At the very least, we must defeat them politically but that alone will not cause them to give up. Their defeat must be ideological, moral, complete and blatantly obvious to anybody paying attention. (No use expecting them to acknowledge it. Libbies never give up.) In short, Obama’s Civil War, should he succeed in igniting it, is going to have to blow up in his face like the rest of his misbegotten policies.

We the People have an opportunity in November to BEGIN the recovery of the bright shining city on the hill. Note please, ‘begin’. The ‘progressives’ have spent over 100 years putting their ‘beliefs’ into place, not just in politics, but in the schools, the media, and the entertainment industry and so on. We the People cannot hope to reverse that in one election, or even in the next few elections. We the People had da*need well better gird ourselves for a struggle for the hearts, minds and souls of America that will last longer than we individuals will probably be alive. But we dare not falter or relax for one instant or the ‘evil ones’ guided by the Father of Lies will leap into that breach, and our children and grandchildren will find themselves fighting this same fight.

Fortunately, surrender is NOT in a Devil Dog vocabulary.