Mitt Romney proves that this will NOT be a rerun of the John McCain campaign in ’08 and Visits the Poster Child for Obama FAIL Solyndra

 In a very savvy political move, Mitt Romney made a surprise campaign stop at the bankrupt ($500 million at taxpayer’s expense) Solyndra plant today. The stop was kept secret until Romney’s arrival.

At a fund-raiser in the San Francisco area Wednesday night, Mr. Romney again talk about the solar panel company, portraying the president as a failed venture capitalist who unsuccessfully tried to have government pick winners and losers.

“Have you seen the Solyndra corporation headquarters? You probably have,” Mr. Romney asked the crowd. “That’s what happens when government puts in hundreds of millions of dollars into an enterprise. And by the way, the president doesn’t understand when you invest like that in one solar energy company; it makes it harder for solar technology generally because the scores of other entrepreneurs in the solar field suddenly lost their opportunity to get capital. Who wants to put money into a solar company when the government puts half a billion into one of its choice? So instead of encouraging solar energy, he discouraged it.”

 For those worried that Romney’s campaign would be similar to McCain’s failed campaign in 2008, yet another sign you have no reason to worry. Romney’s going to do what’s needed to win back the White House and not put up with BS from Obama and the mainstream media.

Solyndra is more than a failed company. It’s an icon the represents everything wrong with Obama’s policies; from the idea that government can manipulate, to the idea of corrupt and porky payoffs to cronies, to the spendaholic waste of taxpayer money, to the incompetent and ignorance of how markets work.

It is another example proving that Obama and his gang have absolutely no idea what they are doing. While Obama has been bashing Romney’s career at Bain Capital as killing jobs and companies, Solyndra is the poster child for job killing. With the $535 million, 1,100 employees lost their jobs. That means that those 1,100 jobs cost us close to $49,000 each — that does not count the costs of their unemployment and other social programs like food stamps. What happened to the more than half-billion bucks — it went into the pockets of the honchos at the company, who of course contributed to the Obama campaign.

Romney could likely offer them solid advice on how to turn that failure around into a successful company; but since from the beginning Solyndra was set up as a scam to fleece US taxpayers out of millions of dollars (and sent a good part of it as “campaign contributions” to Obama) they are not going to be interested in sound business advice.

That and all the “green” failures Obama “invested” taxpayer money in cannot be turned around. For the time being they are nothing more than bottomless money pits. That’s why Romney would never put a dime into these frauds.

Solyndra shows that apparently the Obama administration likes to lose $535M, this company had NO chance of survival, burned through that money in 18 months despite the warnings from the previous administration who choose NOT to give them any money at all.

Way to go, Team Romney!

Unlike Team Obama, you understand that yes, this is OUR money that Obama is throwing around, and yes, we do have a right to know all the ugly details…

Ignore Obama, Axelrod, and Plouffe. They are irrelevant to this conversation in that they won’t be contributing any statements of fact or truth…

Keep bringing it…!

Dan Rather shows his Pathetic side again – Most Journalists Aren’t Liberal – ‘This Is a Sham’

Fox Nation

Dan Rather told Jon Stewart Wednesday evening that most journalists aren’t  liberal.

Although one would think the disgraced former CBS Evening News  anchor fired for presenting forged documents about President George W. Bush  months before the 2004 elections was kidding given the venue being Comedy  Central’s Daily Show, Rather was actually serious


JON STEWART, HOST: This idea of liberal bias and the idea, you know, in your experience, haven’t most journalists, haven’t their politics been somewhat more liberal?

DAN RATHER: No, it hasn’t been my experience.

STEWART: Oh, that hasn’t been your experience?

RATHER: It has not been my experience. Most journalists I grew up with, most journalists I’ve worked with and practiced with were trying to be honest brokers of information. Now, what sometimes got you a reputation you’re liberal, journalists generally form an apprenticeship covering the police beat at midnight, after midnight, it was Saturday night, the charity hospital. Journalists, the best of them, do see a Dickensian side of society that most people don’t see. So when they try to call attention to that, people who don’t like it say, “Oh, you’re liberal.” It has not been my experience.

I know that it’s widely believed that CBS, NBC, ABC chock full of liberals. Not true. What its chock full of is people who wanted to give honest news, straightforward news, and voted both ways in many elections. I’m not saying that nobody in the newsroom was liberal any more than I would say nobody was conservative. Frequently what happened people who were described as conservatives want to say, “I work at CBS News, and you know, almost everybody there was liberal.” What they really mean is not everybody there agreed with them all the time. This is a sham. It’s a camouflage for wanting…

This, coming from a man who thinks it’s ethical and legitimate to use forged documents a week before a presidential election in order to alter the outcome.  He’s still trying to restore his reputation — a reputation that had been sullied long before his self-inflicted shotgun wound known as Memo-gate.

The only real Sham was the one pulled on the public for decades by network news bureaus that monopolized information, determining what we would and would not see/hear. Now that we have multiple accesses to information, we can appreciate just how powerful these network anchors were. The repeated whatever the NY Times printed that morning.

Rather is angry because he’s not universally hailed as a great journalist. And now that we’ve learned more about Cronkite, we’ve come to realize that neither was he. Rather and the whole legacy of CBS News is in the toilet, but Rather keeps pining for the Good Old’ Days and denigrating the new media, like an ex-monarch pontificating from exile.

With one exception, every liberal I have ever known has been firmly convinced that they occupy the reasonable, moderate center. Everyone even slightly conservative, or even less liberal, is part of the radical Right. It makes honest debate difficult, even with someone who is willing to discuss things quietly. The basic assumption skews the results badly.

One problem is that news channels, and news segments on other channels, are struggling and competing for viewer numbers. So news “shows” become creative, imaginative, opinionated, and political. The result is that the “facts” become secondary to attracting viewers, and the news “anchors” are heII-bent on becoming superstars! Dan, you are trying to present yourself as an old, wise, seasoned, always truthful Journalist. Bull! You were right there fat-catting it with the other news anchors! Now the spot light is not on you. You’re not getting the big bucks anymore, and you want your “star-power” back. Forget it Dan! You step all over your crank! You’re history!

Jay Carney Doubles Down on Obama Spending Fairy Tale Bulls**t

Yes Jay your boss inherited the largest deficit at the TIME on 1/20/09 from George W Bush.  That is a given.  Why didn’t someone in this Brainiac administration think to maybe, just maybe either cut the spending or at the very least KEEP the spending at 2008 levels, instead of continuing to spend like Drunken Sailors on Leave – all due respect to Drunken Sailors.

Graphs don’t lie son and the GOP has a nice one for you:

 The sad thing is that with this type of wild ass spending Barack Obama should have been thinking seriously about pulling a “Lyndon B Johnson” and taking himself out of the race.  Nope, not BHO, not the Anointed One, not the Media Creation of CNNNBCCBSMSNBCABC and Oprah Winfrey.  Can’t have that.  The Emperor needs to have another four years to prove conclusively without a doubt that he really has no F***KING clothes.

The Obama Reign of Error must be Demolished to a Pulp

In 2008, FAR TOO MANY Americans viewed the election as just another episode of The Bachelor or American Idol. They wanted to make history and they wanted very badly TO BELIEVE. Obama’s handlers provided them with the blank slate upon which to inscribe their own bit of history in the way that television would have done.

The “show” they saw play out was one of racial polarization and payback, arrogance, deception, incompetence and utter disdain for our people and our way of life.

Americans better recognize the difference between reality TV and reality this time. To repeat this mistake for selfish amusement will carry tragic consequences for our country.

I think it’s quite possible Obama loses quite badly in the Electoral College while still winning the popular vote due to heavy support in California and New York, Massachusetts and Illinois, Maryland and most of New England. If the rest of the country chooses sanity but by closer margins, the massive number of individual votes going to Obama in Deep Blue, voter-heavy states can really cause problems for a Romney presidency.

If I were Romney, I’d campaign like hell in Cali, Illinois and NY. He’s going to lose those states, but he can make up a lot of popular votes by campaigning strongly there. Bush was hated by so many Dems because they felt their guy had won fair and square, rules be damned. Romney can get the popular vote. If he wins without it, it will play havoc with his administration. If he takes a big bite out of Obama’s coastal dominance, he will win the popular vote.

It is a mistake to write off the big blue states and go only for swings and potential battlegrounds like PA, WI and MN. Republicans swept PA in 2010, and we’ve gotten stronger since. We can get PA for Romney. Scott Walker can get Wisconsin for Romney–especially if Romney takes up Walker’s reforms and makes them a national priority. I think there’s an outside chance Michigan has even had enough blue punishment by now–but who knows with Detroit’s motley collection of human debris?

California is circling the drain, and its people are voting madly for destruction. Yet there are many who will pull the lever for Romney. He can increase that amount with a smart campaign there that isn’t too costly and makes great use of in-state volunteers. Republicans in California are a demoralized group, and many figure going to the polls is a waste of time. If we can get Californians who oppose Obama to catch the vision of why it is important to make a strong showing even in the face of inevitable loss, we might be able to rescue the country from a civil war

Stop watching the MSM, Hollywood trash and 0bama! Collectively, we Americans made a mistake in 2008 by electing Obama to the White House. That’s going to be corrected soon! Americans are good people and we all know it! We are the greatest nation to ever exist, and that says a lot since Great Britain set a petty high standard that we superseded! Where will you GO after the 0bama nightmare? Stay where you are and do YOUR PART in reconstructing our Republic and returning COMMONS SENSE GOVERNMENT to the people of this great nation, opposed to the Chicago Thug Obama Clique.

Romney clinches the Republican Nomination for President – Now it is time to kick some ass out of the White House.

Fox News:

Thanks to Texas, Mitt Romney can finally drop the word “presumptive” from his title.

More than five years after launching his first campaign for the presidency, the former Massachusetts governor on Tuesday night clinched the Republican nomination by winning the largely uncontested Texas primary, the Associated Press projected.

The achievement completes what for Romney has been an arduous process of winning over skeptical conservatives and projecting himself as the party’s most competitive choice for taking on President Obama in the fall.

The former Massachusetts governor surpassed the 1,144-threshold to become the nominee by winning at least 88 delegates in Texas, according to the Associated Press tally. The victory is a formality, as most of his Republican opponents had long since peeled away from the race – and then gradually crossed over to endorse Romney.

First, NO GENTLEMAN JOHN McCAIN THIS TIME!!! One of the reasons why John McCain lost in 2008 is because he refused to call Obama a community organizer who incited good/hard working /religious minorities to riot in the streets of Chicago to topple the Republic. This agitation was developed by Saul Alinsky a Bolshevik transplanted to America and Alinsky was a traitor. By not telling the public that Obama is a Marxist/Leninist, John McCain lost the election and did America a horrible disservice.

Romney should it make it clear, and repeatedly hammer, that the imbecilic Keynesian/Socialist Policies of Obama that throw the future of this nation under a bus are responsible for the lengthening of the recession.

He should make it clear that it is counter to our interests as a nation for our government to interfere in the markets to the extent that it is.

Mitt Romney should run a campaign built around the idea that government needs to find its various weed-like pestilence-spreading branches trimmed.

The time for compromise is past, the Democrats and their ideology are the antithesis of everything that is American. They realize this and have a hooligan-ian model that will continue to attempt to usurp any change we propose into a synthesis that FAILS TO DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE.

Instead of standing around picking our arses while the Democrats and their allies continue to undermine the walls of this Republic we need to counter their efforts to destroy us, and that means that trying to play nice must be discarded, especially as a lot of their “leaders” can only be described as traitors, not just because of their philosophy, but because they seek to apply it here where it is anathema to everything that this Republic was meant to stand for.

No, now is the time to make it clear that we will settle for nothing less than their proverbial heads on pikes on the White House Lawn.

This Obamination must be repudiated totally and completely. Anything less will allow the Dems and MSM to cry racism and voter corruption. Romney and the Republican House and Senate must have an unmistakable mandate to destroy the Socialist web of deceit built over the last 40 years.

We must beat him in a landslide to take away any chance for a recounted. George Soros has been working on his Sec of State project for 4 years. It’s not who gets the most votes it’s who’s counting them. Besides voter fraud will reach epic proportions this election cycle.

To quote El Rushbo: “Not only is Obama beatable, he’s landslide able beatable.” 

Gay Marriage: Behind the Smoke, Mirrors and Bully Intimidation

The two major impediments to rapid radical political and social change are the institutions of marriage, and religion. Both institutions tend to stabilize the social structure on which our society depends. Thus the Left has been effectively attacking both for nearly 60-odd years.

If Leftists truly had their way, both institutions would be merely swept away. Thus clearing the way for the establishment of that great socialist utopia that the Left is yearning for. The problem for the Left however, is that the benighted masses, still cling to these ‘oppressive’ institutions, even though in the eyes of the Left, the ‘proles’ would be better off without them. So what to do? Well rather than to attempt to sweep away both marriage and religion, the Left can do the next best thing. First, redefine and thus undermine the institution of marriage to the point of insufficiency so that it can no longer stand in the way of rapid revolutionary change. Second, marginalize our religious institutions so that they’re no longer influential in defining our moral and ethical foundation. Thus the Left will redefine for the masses just what would be considered right and wrong. These new moral guidelines will thus be tailored and harnessed to support the goals of the ‘revolution’.

Sadly the Left has been quite successful at chipping away at both marriage and religion over the past six decades. And conservatives have generally allowed them to get away with it. Perhaps now conservatives will not just merely stand up and shout ‘No!!!’, but begin pushing back, and pushing back HARD! Our society, our future, our very existence may depend on it.

The gay community should be careful for what it wishes. Divorce, child custody, and infidelity can be part of a marriage. It will be interesting to see how divorce courts handle child support payments and alimony. I am curious to see to see how adopted children of gay couples will turn out as adults. Will they thank mom and dad, or will they curse them for a life of teasing and ridicule? Well, let’s forget about the needs of the children, gay marriage is just too important right now.

There are three main attack vectors used by the utopian/authoritarian/racialist left:

1. Attacking private property
2. Attacking Christianity
3. Attacking the family

Since the homo “sexual” agenda fits with 2 and 3 at the same time, it’s a “two for one” in the eyes of the left and will be aggressively used by them for its “bang for the buck”.

Know them. Fight them. At every turn, at every corner, with every message.

What hath President Obama wrought onto all of us?

What has Barack the imposter wrought? We don’t even know his true life story, where he was born, who is father is, whether he was adopted by Soetoro, who paid his college tuition, who paid his way to Pakistan, who he met with, or why he went there, nor his college grades, nor his medical records, nor his work records. He made it to the Presidency, but his records are locked tighter than a KGB vault.

He has brought misery. People are losing their houses and their cars in spite of (how many) bail out programs. There are no jobs; only food stamps, welfare, and disability.

He has unaccountable czars running and doing who knows what. It’s a shadow government, neither confirmed, nor vetted. Only Van Jones was dispatched when it was revealed that he was a communist. Remember it was Valerie Jarrett who said she had been watching Van and admiring him for a long time. Valerie is Barack’s closest and most trusted adviser.

Lies heaped upon lies. Even the book jacket contradicts Barack. Social unrest, including black militancy, even at polling places. Open admiration for OWS. Sleazy associations: Rev. Wright (G-d America), Calypso Louie, Fr. Pflager, B. Dohrn & B. Ayres, and Rashid Kahlidi.

Now the crowds have thinned. Hope N Change has been revealed as Rope-A-Dope and Chains. There is no hope on Barack’s horizon; only desolation. He demonizes the very same people he shills for campaign funds from. It’s gotten so bad, that he’s getting blowback from fellow Democrats (until they’re taken to woodshed for repentance and reeducation).

It is NOT the job of the President to create jobs and redistribute wealth. We are heading for Armageddon if we accept such a flawed Marxist premise. The job of the President is to be Commander-in-Chief protecting the nation and to carry out the laws passed by the Legislature; Period, paragraph, end of story. Once you accept this Marxist premise, then you accept a PLANNED ECONOMY. That is our problem. Mitt Romney and PRIVATE EQUITY firms use PRIVATE FUNDS. They operate in the capitalist free market economy where people invest their own time and money to create innovative solutions and products.  Obama and Chu are operating a fascist PLANNED ECONOMY where he decides if we should drive an electric car, pay triple for our energy to use solar panels, buy health insurance he dictates and accept whatever medical treatment King Sebelius decides, has regulators make it impossible for small PRIVATE business to compete against government controlled monopolies.  When we accept the correct premise that only in a socialist PLANNED ECONOMY does the Dictator create jobs, redistribute wealth and make public investments with public money as the rule, we lose American Exceptionalism

What has Obama TRULY given us?…verbal flatulence delivered with a smarmy false sense of superiority, punctuated by gaffes demonstrating ignorance of basic English, history and geography, all while digging a debt hole big enough to swallow our children and grandchildren.

Shame on ALL of us to let our fallen soldiers down and letting the Media Creation called Barack Hussein Obama come into power.

Contrary to what you have been fed by the MSM Progressives the Obama spending binge really did and is continuing to happen

Here’s Proof from the Enterprise Blog:


You see the democrats believe that perception is reality. Therefore, Obama only needs people to believe that he isn’t a big spender. The facts don’t matter, only the perception, and you can be that MSNBC, NBC and our stimulus money will be backing that story. Further, just ask CNN (communist news network) and they will back Obama and his Democratic Socialists of America. BTW, Does anybody remember the Democratic Socialist of Germany? Don’t expect ‘real’ news and coverage, or the truth, as our media is propaganda for the Democratic Socialists of America.

Just like the faux wars on women, the poor, minorities, etc., this new (what shall we call it – the War on Common Sense?) has backfired, and bigtime. All the MSM has accomplished is to shine a glaring spotlight on Obama’s profligate spending. Did they really think this was going to work?Did they really think that if they didn’t just lie, but told a REALLY REALLY BIG lie that the American people would just collectively shrug and wonder “Now where did we ever get the idea that Obama was a spendaholic?”

 Unfortunately, the reality here is the Progressives/liberals/Democrats shout their lies from rooftops and conservatives/constitutionalists whisper the truth and their rebuttals from the equivalent of safe rooms. In a perfect world, the chart shown in this article would be printed on placements and put on every table in every diner, restaurant, coffee shop and truck stop in the nation…or skywritten above every major US metropolis. Unfortunately, and to our great consternation, the only play that the “truth chart” will get will be to the 1% of 1% of us who actually give a damn about the truth.

President Obama says GOP is standing in his way to the path of greatness and won’t see his vision of taking the road to economic ruin

USA Today

President Obama sought today to shift blame for the bumpy economy to congressional Republicans, saying too many of them are “standing in the way” of recovery.

“Either they say they want to do nothing … or they want to double down on some of the policies that didn’t work and got us into this mess in the first place,” Obama told voters in Iowa, citing in particular proposed tax cuts for the wealthy.

Mr. President – you are the President of the United States – and that position indicates you are the leader – of the free world – but especially of this great country. When you say some entity is in your way – you prove as many of us have known since you came upon the scene – you are not Presidential – should have never been elected – etc. etc. – we could go on and on. Blame, blame, blame and divide, divide, divide – that is all you do – if you had good intentions, if you were honest about every situation, if you understood America, if you did a full day’s work – every day for the good of this nation – no one would be standing in your way – you are the President of the United States.

Republicans are standing in the way of runaway government spending of epic proportion. Can you imagine if we had a Dem congress where we would be now? We are what 16, 20 Trillion in debt and NO jobs to show for it; just lots of handouts. Republicans are the taxpayers firewall against this administration permanently damaging our economic system and way of life. We cannot spend our way to prosperity any more than the Government can create jobs. Mitt knows that

The hours after a new President is in the White House, this country can start on the road to recovery by:

1)       Putting Americans to work by approving the pipeline that Obama has blocked.

2)      Putting experienced and capable people into the President’s advisory panel.

3)      Starting to cut Government spending and Government redundancy.

It will be an exciting time yet a challenging one, but we the people will be back in charge.

Finally a story:
A woman in a hot air balloon realizes she is lost. She lowers her altitude and spots a man fishing from a boat below. She shouts to him, Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don’t know where I am. The man replies, you are at Mystic Lake. No she says where am I? The man thinks for a second, than replies you’re in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above a ground floating across Mystic lake She rolls her eyes and says you must be a Republican! I am, replies the man. How did you know? Well, answers the balloonist, I have no idea what to do with the information you have given me and I’m still lost. Frankly, you’re not much help to me. The man smiles and responds you must be a liberal Democrat. I am, replies the woman. How did you know? Well, says the man, you don’t know where you are or where you’re going. You’ve risen to where you are, due to a very large amount of hot air. You made a promise that you have no idea how to keep, and now you want and expect me to solve your problem due to your poor planning, you’re in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but, somehow, now it’s my fault.

CNN’s Ratings continue to go down the S***ter

Huffington Post

CNN’s ratings problems just keep getting worse.

The network had its lowest-rated month in over a decade in April. That prompted stern warnings from the top that CNN has to improve its numbers.

Yet Tuesday brought the dispiriting news that CNN had its lowest-rated week in primetime in a staggering 20 years last week. Just 395,000 people tuned in to watch Anderson Cooper and Piers Morgan. The total day numbers were not much better: CNN had its third-worst week since 1997.

You may not watch CNN, but if the outlets available on your cable package, chances are you are helping to keep them in business. Most cable stations and I would guess CNN is among them, receive money based on how many subscribers purchase packages that include their network.  That is why CNN continues to make money.

Bundled cable is one of the greatest rackets in the history of entertainment. Hopefully, the miracle of streaming will end this con as people leave cable and as a result stop supplementing outlets like CNN that would be in a lot more trouble surviving on advertising alone.

 The problems of CNN are twofold.  First, they sound like NPR. Boring. Droning on and on and on. Five year plans. Crop reports. Interview with the new director of a hydroelectric dam. Steel ingot production. Okay, I’m thinking of old Soviet TV, but you get the picture. Not much difference. But the second problem is even larger: their talking heads. Here’s the test: would you invite a CNN newsreader into your home? Cooper? That supercilious Twit-Brit Morgan? Any of the women? The perpetually befuddled Wolf Blitzer? Now ask yourself the same question about Fox. As a rule, the FOX people are far more personable. You feel like you know them because they remind you of people you like. Now Cooper is a nice enough fellow, but I don’t think I’d want him in my house, sitting in a chair, staring at me, and wondering…maybe…hopefully…longingly… The only reason I’d let Morgan in my house is so I could have the pleasure of kicking his smug behind back out the door. Blitzer reminds me of a law professor I once had who used to furtively break wind in front of the class. Out…to…lunch. This was why Walter Cronkite was so successful. He was everyone’s favorite uncle. Cronkite would be good company and a good conversationalist. I have a friend who loves CNN, for one reason. When guests overstay their welcome, he switches it on. “I just have to see if Obama is still going down in the polls…” He’s timed it. Guests never stay for more than one cycle between commercial blocks. CNN makes them get up and leave, every time.

CNN’s liberal bias is why they have low ratings. You don’t have to be a genius to figure that out. The oh woe is me liberal are too busy watching the other group of loser lefties on PMSNBC. And most leftie liberals are too busy watching dancing with the stars anyway.

And to think that a Metro-sexual is going to produce more ratings just goes against the grain of what is typical apple pie America.

And they all get SMOKED by Fox. Because Fox is watched by the working class whom the government is robbing and their audience gets more of the real facts rather than some false leftie bleeding heart liberal station that’s in the tank for the leftie president.

 When I first started watching CNN it was because it was the only 24/7/365 news available. Of course it was left leaning even then. It was created by Ted Turner after all.

Some of their crazy left audience has been peeled off by the certifiable un or under medicated hosts on MSNBC. Other viewers have “evolved” — through the aging process — into moderates or conservatives.