Sean Hannity RIPS Occupy Fleabagger/Organizer Harrison Schultz – Perhaps the funniest interview I have seen

Occupy Fleabagger leader Harrison Schultz debates Sean Hannity on why Capitalism is wrong. In the debate Mr. Schultz is offended when it’s inferred he may be a radical. He poses several conspiracy theories of how the cops sent rapists and vagrants to Zuccotti Park in order to make the movement look bad. In summary he explains that: school, housing, daycare, information, transportation, etc. should all be free.

Best Line:

Hannity:  I have a suggestion for you. You are 29 years old. Stop wasting your time at “Occupy Wall Street.” Here’s a novel concept, get up at 6:00 a.m.; shovel some coffee down your throat. Hit the pavement, find a job, get to work, stop whining, stop complaining, stop blaming and get your out of bed like everybody else in America and get to work. How does that sound?

This is classic and it goes up there with Dean Wormer’s Fat, Drunk and Stupid spiel from “Animal House”.

I watched this on Chicks on the Right this morning and if you ever, ever believed Occupy Wall Street had one iota of credibility or even made a bit of sense, Harrison Schultz just shot that down in flames.  This is like arguing with my 6 year old daughter, the difference is she would have seen the sense in my argument about 9 minutes earlier than this putz did.

This 29 year old kid does not know how the economy works, he doesn’t even understand where the money comes from he lives off from, he’s too good work at a job that actually requires labor and he wants people’s sympathy? He needs to get off his lazy bottom, get over his arrogant pride, lose his entitlement complex and start earning an honest living.

This is the epitome of Liberal, radical idiocy and Conservative rationality. Conservative men and women across the country should be proud after watching this video.

Does it bother anyone that our 44th President is a long Time drug user?

In Dreams from My Father, Barack Obama describes his college drug use this way:

 I had learned not to care. … Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though[.] … Junkie. Pothead. That’s where I’d be headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. Except the highs hadn’t been about that, me trying to prove what a down brother I was. Not by then anyway. I got just the opposite effect, something that could push questions of who I was out of my mind, something that could flatten out the landscape of my heart, blur the edges of my memory.

Barack Hussein Obama is simply the manifestation of a culture and society that has been in steep decline since the 1960’s. When the generational mantra is “I’m OK, you’re OK” and judgementalism (except for liberals, of course) is not allowed, electing the “cool” guy is simply the manifestation of the colossal train wreck that began gaining the necessary momentum back in the 60’s.

Big Academia produced and Big Media promoted the fraud that is Barack Hussein Obama. The Reverend Wright gave him his racism and hatred of all things American. Billie Ayers gave him his cover. His wife gives him his sense of entitlement and projects her anger through him. The parasitic unions give him the money. And then 53% of the voters fell for it hook, line and sinker. All enabled by an opposition party and candidate who actually served as enablers by their timid reaction to so many truths about the danger presented by the marxOcrat Manchurian candidate with a very shady past.

One again, we need to ask – The United States may be able to survive Barack Obama; the question is can it survive the kind of voters who would elect such an individual its president?

There have been rappers that have been to the white house and bragged that they did so with drugs in their pocket. The only way that can happen is that no one at the White House is looking for drugs entering the White House. If one has ever been bored on a rainy weekend and tuned in to a repeat of the program COPS one would see that it is common for police to raid locations with even small amounts of drugs. The embarrassment of that revelation should be complete and steps taken to be sure that drugs are not in the White House but that did not happen. OBAMA continually makes decisions that piss everyone around the world mad friend and foe alike. His choices often make no sense to clear thinking people. He stands his ground and doubles down on bad decisions. Who does that as a way of life? The drug USER does. When a decision is made under the influence they have no other alternative but to stand firm as part of the cover up of the drug use. I believe OBAMA’s behavior points to continued drug use even now. We will never see his academic records so it stands to reason we will never see his blood test. Strange that one cannot drive a bus in a large city without random blood tests but we will never see Obama’s who has the nuclear football in close proximity to him 24/7.

There is nothing ‘cool’ about Obama; his persona is still that of a fake one; no matter how hard he tries, he still doesn’t fit in – at least not into Americas’ White House.

Everything else about him is fake as well; while he was able to climb the ladder, he can’t speak properly without a teleprompter. He uses lots of words and, doesn’t say anything. Platitus is all that comes out of his mouth, if it is not stuttering. His concentration level is that of a kinder gardener.

He wears a mask hiding what a thug he really is; when he slips, his crass character shows and, not one iota of class is present.

Anybody writing two biographies before any achievements scream ‘pathological narcissist’!

The Real Life of Julia under Obama

Let’s get real here folks.  This is how Julia’s Life would be under Obama:

Here is the Fantasy Life of Julia that the Obama WebSite presents:


Assuming she is not terminated at birth, here is how Julia’s Life will likely evolve under Obama – courtesy of Tyranny of Political Correctness at

Alternative Julie Julie, age three: Julie is introduced to Marxist-Leninist class warfare theory, Obama/Federal Government/Environment worship, and sex education designed to take away innocence. Of course, the instructors will instill in her the highest standard of self image in the world.

 Julie age seventeen: If Julie survives the Democrat/Union complex public education system, designed to make her a happy, Democrat, valueless, ego-centric voter, the Federal government will help her get into debt to attend colleges staffed by instructors who will increase all of the above attributes and remove any remnants of personal reasoning power that may have survived high school. (This assumes Julie is not pregnant and has not had one or more children by this age, because of the aforementioned sex education begun in Head Start.)

 Julie age eighteen: If Julie was unfortunate enough to have lived in Washington, D.C. and participated in the program that used Federal funds to have inner city kids attend prep schools in the D.C. area, she probably won’t be attending college, because Obama cancelled that program to please his teachers’ union buddies, who contribute large amounts to his election campaigns.

 Julie age twenty two: Unfortunately, this and other Obamacare mandates did not transfer funds to the insurance companies to pay for these additional benefits and they were driven out of business. Julie ends here because she died while waiting for the elective surgery needed to save her life at the government run outpatient surgical clinic. (The surgery was deemed elective by the Government Health Benefits Death Panel.)

Rep. Darrell Issa Files Contempt Charges against Eric Holder for “Fast & Furious”

Fox News

Republican Rep. Darrell Issa has circulated a lengthy pair of documents making the case for holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress over his “refusal” to cooperate in an investigation of the ill-fated Fast and Furious operation.

Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, on Thursday sent to every member of his committee a 64-page draft contempt order against Holder, as well as a 17-page memo outlining the history of the scandal.

Obama hoped to keep a lid on this fiasco but it appears you can stonewall only so long with patriot Issa and his committee.

The real motives behind the fast and furious operation are not at all obvious. If the goal was to find drug cartel leaders through their need for buying black market, high powered assault weapons then it was a good lure up to the point they actually made the sale of working guns to the drug cartel leaders.

It’s like wanting to find Osama bin Laden and putting out a lure to get him to show himself.

Knowing he wants a nuclear device to blow up the US, you find him by putting up a nuclear weapon on the black market and make it known to his associates that’s it’s for sale.

At what point during this operation would you recognize that actually turning over a real bomb would be a fatal flaw in the plan. After all, you must know the risk of him using it against the very people the operation is designed to ultimately protect. If this “fast and furious gunrunning plan” was designed to identify cartel leaders, it was a plan with an enormous cost in human life.

Who provides oversight in plans with this kind of impact? Is the attorney general, an unelected official, really capable of making decisions on this level without oversight from the Congress or committees? Who is responsible to the people for the actions of this “public administrator”?

When such a low level of judgment has been exercised in an area of such high potential harm, it points to a seriously impaired system of oversight, protocol and authority. Heads should fall on this one and not just Holder’s, although he should go first.

Obama has used the Justice Department as a Praetorian Guard Political Shield in the Black Panther voter intimidation civil rights investigation, the Solyandra pay to play failed green energy loan bankruptcy investigation, the Fast and Furious gunrunning (the most serious because it caused the death of one of Janet Napolitano’s Border Patrol Agents and she is mildly “disturbed”) and the Kagan Obamacare conflict of interest as Solicitor General recusing paperwork. It has been used as a Praetorian Guard enforcer in expansion of Federal Power over States in the Arizona SB 1070 immigration bill; States Voter ID laws and redefining terrorism to a man caused disaster. Holder has all of the resources of a corrupt Justice Department, the Democrats in Congress, along with the Ministry of Truth media (ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, NY Times, AP) and George Soros Media Matters behind him. I know Issa is a sharp guy, he needs some pretty extensive resources to fight this much corruption and without the help of the media it is going to be difficult to get his message out.

Flushing Out Occupy Wall Street

A couple of questions about Occupy Wall Streeters…

How many OWS’ers realize that corporations have gained the power they have due to Democrat fascism, Liberal Democrats are putting forth the majority of hate-speech, and corruption is rife within the links between Democrats and major corporations? Every big corporation knows that you have to contribute enough to certain Democrat election coffers to be neatly excluded by onerous Democrat-pushed business regulations that keep its competitors from thriving as they would in a free market. And never forget that it was the Democrats, not the Republicans, who claimed that certain corporations were “too big to fail” and thus their free-market natural deterioration through unsustainable business practices should be prevented through government cash handed out to those who duly pleased the Executive Branch.

Can we face facts here please?  There is ample evidence that the Occupy movement was from the first, organized by Far-Left persons: I will try to be brief.

1. Adbusters, a small group in Canada and funded indirectly by George Soros, was involved at the beginning.

2. Then, there is the Communist; SEIU affiliated Stephen Lerner, a visitor to the White House. His stated plan was to bring down Wall Street, the banks, and capitalism through street violence and protests.

3. You are forgetting Elizabeth Warren, who worked in Obama’s administration and, now, running for the US Senate seat from Massachusetts. She credits herself with having a large influence on the intellectual foundations of the Occupy movement.

4. Remember Frances Piven and her proclamation that the Occupy movement includes “Democrats, Democrat Socialists, Socialists and Communists.” Her rallying cry was, “We can work together, because we have a really huge task before us, transforming America and the World.”

5. Union Bosses, apparently in a relatively few hours, some months ago, were able to rally 10,000 persons to shut down the Oakland, California docks. Vandalism and violence resulted. I recall seeing, on the news, an elderly nurse who stated that she was paid by her union to travel from California to sit in McPherson Park in Washington, DC. She was not alone in representing her union.

There is a little more than fun taking place at the Occupy sites. Rapes, violence, selling and use of drugs, intimidation, looting, destruction of property, interfering with and intimidating local businesses and their customers, shouting hate speech, especially to our Jewish citizens, making life miserable for those who must live near these Occupy sites, fouling the landscape of our cities and costing the taxpayer MILLIONS of hard-earned tax dollars. I would not praise, as you do, a culture that allows this sort of thing to take place with impunity. Indeed, there are MANY associations between those supporting the Occupy squatters and the President of the United States. I find that fact very, very worrisome.

We really give these people way too much credit. Here is my impression of the thought processes of these morons. “Hey man, like wow dude. Life is not fair.” “The Hippies were right man. The Hippies knew, man.” “Hey man, I need to find some more pot.” “I’m hungry.” “I should get some free food, man. Because everything should be free.” You know man, like everything should be free.” “I want a free car, a free house, free college, free food, free pot, free love, and free condoms.” “Yeah man, the Hippies were right.” “Life sucks, America sucks, Republicans sucks, and Wall Street sucks.” “Yeah man. Yeah.” 

Obama 2012 Campaign Slogans from #Obama2012Slogans

Forward” – please look to our promising future rhetoric, not back to our failed past reality!

Hobbled by a staggering lack of judgment & competence!

We hate the “rich – even if they are attorneys, Hollywood actors, or Liberal politicians – oh wait, that’s not true!

Our debt grows at $3,000,000 a minute, because our spending rate is $5,000,000 per minute!”

We can’t let kids run lemonade stands—they might turn into successful business people!

Slavery is Freedom, War is Peace, Obama is a good President

We don’t call them illegal aliens – we call them unregistered Democrats!

Debt, fear, envy and blame!

Four More years of EPA crucifying businesses, GSA partying, Me vacationing abroad while my bodyguards stripper humping.

Things are bad and will never get better but you got yourselves a one cool prez who can slowjam the news.

America doesn’t have the resources for immigration enforcement because I used the money on my lifestyle of rich & famous!

The End justifies the Means – The Left will always believe they are right

What the left fails to recognize is human nature. Poverty is a great motivator. The old adage, “give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach him to fish, and he feeds himself” is a classic truth. What it fails to point out is that if you repeatedly give a man a fish every day, he will stop trying to provide for himself and not only wait for the fish, but will eventually come to feel entitled to it and demand it, and ultimately resent the one giving it if it’s late in coming. When the one giving it decides he can no longer afford it, the receiver will hate the giver and accuse him of being greedy. Thus is the nature of humans. For decades, liberals have been giving people what they should have been giving themselves, not only creating dependents but enabling them to become virtually unemployable. Dependence is allowing the poor to have way too many fatherless kids, is rendering even basic education unnecessary, demands no skills, penalizes mothers who marry and create a two-parent family, promotes indolence, substance abuse, and worst of all fosters a resentment against the givers.

The “Left” believe they are always right; therefore, they never have to apologize for their destructive ideas. They also have no intellectual capacity to explore or understand alternative views. Liberals would rather be right than happy. Rightness is self-destructive, creates unhappiness and perpetuates the liberal need to change everything in their world to achieve utopia.

As much as we hate these liberal whackos… they sure know how to create the result they desire. They have incredible (almost other-world) stamina, and dedication. At the end of the day – they can win because they are in a ‘religious’ mode, which replenishes their resolve from day to day, week to week, year to year, decade to decade. I might be a bit right of most people, but I truly believe their influence comes from an angelic being we know as ‘Lucifer’. You may not want to believe in demons and evil spirits, but I can tell you something supernatural is preventing common sense from prevailing in the face of some pretty basic and self-evident facts.

History will show that Obama and his cronies overplayed their hand. As soon as he was inaugurated, he turned up the heat, and the frogs came flying out of the pot in the form of the Tea Party. People who had never paid attention to politics were suddenly in the streets. The pushback was seen in the 2010 elections and will continue in November with Obama’s defeat. His defeat, as Churchill might say, is only the end of the beginning.

Obama’s time on stage is about to end. He will look like a complete fool by November with the campaign he is attempting to run.

Their ratings are catching up with their ethical standards CNN’s Ratings Hit 10 Year Low

The era of the old media is over. CNN had the lowest rated month in eleven years in April; the last time CNN had ratings this bad, the date was August 2001. CNN had a grand total of 357,000 viewers, and just 108,000 in the crucial 25-54 age group. That puts them off 21% in total viewership and 29% in the 25-54 age groups for the year. Fox News, by contrast, was up 2% to 1.1 million viewers overall and 1% to 273,000 viewers in the 25-54 group. MSNBC held steady with 425,000 viewers and 139,000 in the 25-54 age groups.

All of CNN’s shows have taken a massive hit. John King USA lost 41% in its 25-54 age group. The shining star of the group was Piers Morgan, which was down only 14% at 9 p.m. In primetime, CNN was down to a two-year low. Fox News was even from last year, and MSNBC was down slightly.

CNN started its decline when it “stopped” journalism and went into the business of “supporting” one side of the story. Just read their opinion page….or look at their guests. They have leading Democrats reporting on what the Republicans should do….how they are a bunch of misfits….and all the polls show how they are in decline….even in 2010 election, they were predicting only a slight gain the House and surely not enough to gain control. When you don’t have “journalist” you don’t have quality of news; a one-time great news organization being left behind.

They will become liars and deceivers for their own end. Twisting the truth into lies and lies into truth. They all do it report some parts of news as truth and adding a lot of their own opinions. They talk way too much .Like court cases before they even start. These are to be private matters not blabbed to the whole world they have a lot of court cases tried and convicted before they even start. The whole system is corrupt they all do it every one. Of these stations. Everyone has seen and heard these opinion reporters. So yes ratings will fall. Americas eyes have been open the reporting journalists are in front of the peoples camera now

These liberal media outlets are simply being understood for what they are – a propaganda arm of the liberals – they are a far cry from anything considered a true “news” outlet or known for any kind of truthful and honest reporting.  The more people are realizing that the more their ratings will fall. People are getting tired of the lies and the liars.

The American public is just doing what it always does with slanted liberal media, rejecting it. While CNN deserves props for pioneering the 24/7 news cycle, they have tossed journalism for acceptance in the media elite at a viewership cost. When Piers Morgan is your shining star, how high up the ladder were you really expecting to go? This is why liberals need government to force you to be in their programs, if given a choice, hardly anyone would participate and liberals are very aware of that fact.

Note to the liberal propaganda sites. Lying is always a temporary solution, and your chickens are coming home to roost.

So, let me get this straight, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists and Fellow Travelers….

I am supposed to be MORE concerned with how Romney spends HIS money than how Obama is spending mine? (And my kids’, and grandkids’, and great grandkids’, ad infinitum….)

Class warfare is the last, most desperate strategy of the failed Obama regime.

Obama’s presidency, by ANY objective measure, has been a disaster:

Economy? On life support.
Businesses? Afraid to expand or invest.
Unemployment? Still too high.
Housing market? Worst since the Great Depression.
National deficit? @ $1.5 TRILLION or more every year.
National debt? We added $5 TRILLION in the first three years he was in office.
War in Afghanistan? A failed mission from a failed president who just TODAY signed an agreement to keep US troops in that hell hole for another DECADE at least.

And the ignorant, gullible liberal stooges drink up his propaganda straight out of the punch bowl.

So you don’t think the government should be run like a business? Then by all means vote for Obama who knows nothing about business except ways to steal from it or thwart it or drive it into bankruptcy. Just remember, it’s those very corporations and small businesses that provide Americans with jobs. Fewer corporations or small businesses = fewer jobs.

Funny how when Democrats want to tax and take more money away from businesses or from individuals who actually EARNED that money, it’s called a government “subsidy”. But when they want to GIVE OUR taxpayer dollars away to special interests and businesses like Solyndra, it’s called an “investment”. The American voter is no longer fooled by these semantics.

 There is an old saying that goes, “We get the government we deserve.”

We voted into power a man with ZERO business experience; a person who lacked even a fundamental understanding of how businesses work and why they expand their work forces. And now even many die-hard liberals are “surprised” at his ineptitude?

Grow up. We asked for “hope” and “change” and that’s we received.

Unfortunately, as Obama learned with Solyndra, “hope” is not a business strategy.

Want more jobs? Want more prosperity? Then elect a man that knows a lot about both.

I can’t believe that we, as a nation, were actually shallow enough and stupid enough to give the keys to the Cadillac to a man who had absolutely ZERO management experience and who had never worked a day in the private sector in his entire life.

It seems to me that if our top priority is to rejuvenate our economy and create lots of new jobs, maybe we might want to put someone in the White House who’s actually been wildly successful in the private sector, who really understands the economy and the financial markets, and who knows how the real world works outside the DC beltway.

Vote for Mitt Romney in November.


Barack Obama, The Road We Really Traveled

Andrew Klavan and Bill Whittle skewer and parody Barack Obama’s “Road We Traveled” campaign video.

The evidence has shown it is not about helping America or Americans, it is about enslaving America and Americans.

This evidence applies across the board, whether we are discussing the economy, energy, the environment, education, union labor, jobs, the military or race relations.

Our bloated, ineffective federal bureaucracy has failed at everything it has embraced, what evidence has been presented that more poison will cure an affliction?

I predicted Obama would be bad for this country but I was so terribly wrong. He’s been a disaster of epic proportions. That there are those who would willing vote for him because they want more of what he’s done or those who are ignorant of the facts and/or too lazy to inform themselves gives me great concern for the future of this country.